Chapter 12

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We walked through the cold dungeon to get to the potions classroom. "Ok a couple things you need to know about Snape: 1. He HATES me, so he probably hates you too, 2. Pay attention in his class, don't space out, 3. Don't talk when he's talking or you'll get detention." Harry informed me as we walked through the door.

I walked up to the front of the room to where professor Snape was standing, "Hello, I'm Maddie Potter." I stuck out my hand for him to shake. "I know who you are, I was there yesterday when you were sorted." He said sarcastically, "I brought you this." I took out the apple I had grabbed earlier, "My teachers in America always liked when I brought them one." He examined it then said, "Do I look like you teachers from America?"

"N-no sir," He took the apple anyway, a slight smile tugging on the edges of his mouth as he tried to fight back the smile. "Thank you Ms. Potter, you may take a seat." he motioned to a seat next to Harry, I couldn't hide the smile on my face. Harry was wide-eyed. "How did you do that?"

I just shrugged, "Teachers love apples." I told him, "How do you know that?" Ron asked, leaning over his desk behind us. I shrugged again "Movies?"

The rest of that lesson went smoothly, I paid attention to everything professor Snape said, and also caught Draco's eyes on me multiple times. Harry seemed to have noticed too because he was sending daggers with his eyes towards him.

We happily walked to our next class which was divination, "Where's Hermione," I asked looking around. "She's taking a different class," Ron told me.

Seamus and Dean made their way over to us in the crowded hallway, "Hey Maddie," Seamus said, I smiled. "Don't worry we're here too," Ron said under his breath. "How was potions with Snape?" Dean asked me. They were walking on both sides of me, Seamus on my right and Dean on my left. "It was great!" I told them happily. "Really?" Dean asked, clearly surprised.

I could feel Harry staring holes in the back of my head, but I wasn't going to turn around. I could handle myself. We finally reached the divination classroom where a woman dressed in loose flowy clothes and wearing lots of rings on her fingers, stood.

Draco and his group of friends walked in, I saw him look at me but pretended he didn't. 'Boys' I thought and rolled my eyes.

I sat next to Harry and Ron. We were almost half way through the class when Hermione piped up, "This class is stupid, it doesn't make sense!" She whispered angrily, we all jumped and turned toward her. "When did you get here?" Ron asked, "I've been here the whole time."

Had she really been here the whole time? She didn't walk here with us, I remember because we had even talked about her not being there. I stared at her for a moment.

I gave her a sideways look and she just smiled innocently. I did question her anymore after that. We all turned around to watch professor Trelawney dance around the class. We had been given the assignment to read each other's tea leaves. Me and Hermione were paired up together and Harry and Ron were out together.

"Weasley read his tea," professor Trelawney demanded. "It says here," Ron looked at the book laid out on the table, "that you're going to suffer, but you're going to be happy about it." Harry just stared confused. "Let me see, professor Trelawney took the tea cup out of his hands and as she caught a glimpse she gasped and threw the cup on the table. "No! It can't be!" Harry grabbed the cup and looked inside, "What is it?"

I looked at Hermione and smiled, she smiled too and rolled her eyes. "

"You have... the Grimm." Did she have to be so dramatic? "What's the Grimm?" Ron asked, scared. "My dear boy, it is an omen- the worst omen- the Grimm is an omen of death, which is reputed to bring the demise of the person who encounters it. The Grimm takes the shape of a large, black, spectral dog." She finished. Harry's face was white.

Ron had gone pale too. The only color on his face were his freckles. "Wh-what?" Harry stuttered.

"Here we go, It's the grim, it's the grim!" Hermione whispered to me. We let out a giggle together. Professor Trelawney turned on us and barged eyes, "My dears, from the moment you two first arrived in my class, I sensed that you did not possess the proper spirit for the noble art of Divination." She looked down at us, "You may be young in years, but the hearts that beat beneath your bosoms are as shriveled as old maids, your souls are as dry as the pages of the books to which you both so desperately cleave." She scolded.

I was so taken aback by what this woman had said to us. Hermione started to reply but remarkably seemed unable to find words. She rose gracefully out of her chair and left the classroom. But not before knocking the crystal ball sitting on the table onto the floor.

I stayed seated and watched at the crystal ball rolled out of the doorway. Then abruptly stood and stormed out of the door to find Hermione. 

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