Chapter 14

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As we mounted our broom and got ready to take off, I could help but see Harry examining my mounting position and quickly adjust his. I had to keep reminding myself that I wasn't a seeker and that I was a chaser. Get the ball inside the goal. Don't catch the snitch, that was Harry's job. Not mine. Harry's.

But I do want to be a seeker so if I just do amazing at being a chaser I could show Wood that I am better than Harry. But what if I do too good and he keeps me on as a chaser. Hmm. I'll just do ok at this and then later I'll show them how good I am at being a seeker.

I blinked and realized I'd been staring into space. I caught Harry looking at me, his eyes were squinted. Then he saw me looking and quickly averted his eyes. Apparently the ground was now more interesting. I didn't matter as I caught Draco's attention. He smirked at me.

"And off!" Wood yelled. I took off a second after everyone else. Great. Now I had to work extra hard. Harry was already searching for the snitch, while I got in position, being open so that if needed they could pass me the quaffle.


By the time it was over, the weather had changed completely. It was now pouring on us. As we all walked back to the changing rooms I saw Draco running towards me. "Maddie!" I stopped walking, standing in the rain.

I could feel the cold rain sliding down my forehead. My uniform was soaked and so was his. I could see the outline of Draco's torso through his soaked white shirt. His platinum hair plastered to his forehead. "Great job out there." He said. "Thank you!" I brushed my wet hair out of my face. "You were way better than your brother." He rolled his eyes.

I laughed, "You think so?" He nodded. "Maddie!" Harry called from behind me. Draco didn't look at him. He kept his eyes on me. Begging me not to go.

Harry walked up next to me. "What do you want, Malfoy?" Harry sneered. "I don't want anything," Draco said calmly, finally tearing his eyes away from me to look at my brother. "I was simply telling your sister here, how she is way better at quidditch than you." Draco smiled and winked at me.

"That means she's better than you," Harry shot back. "Indeed she is," Draco's gaze went back to me.

Harry was red with anger. Harry stepped in between the two of us, breaking our eye contact. "Come on Maddie, let's go. Oliver's waiting on us." He grabbed my arm lightly and led me away. Draco stayed back in the rain. Staring at me.

Harry pulled me through the doors to the castle and took a very deep breath. "What the hell was that Maddie?" Harry turned to me. "What?" I asked. "You know what! That thing with Malfoy!" Harry yelled.

"Oh so now I'm not allowed to have my own friends?" I yelled back. "No, you are. Just not- him. Anyone but him." He motioned towards the door. "Why not Harry? Because you don't like him?" I walked towards him. "Yes! Because I've known him longer, I've seen what an ass he can be, ok?"

If Harry was anyone else, I'd probably be scared. I probably wouldn't be yelling and fighting with him. He was a lot taller and a way better wizard. But I knew him and he would hurt me. Physically that is.

"I know!" I yelled. "I know you've been here longer! With all these amazing people, and amazing teachers, and even people who love you and care for you! I know!" I was screaming now. Harry had stopped talking and was just watching me now.

"And I know I will never be part of your group of friends. I wasn't there for you when you fought you-know-who all those times." Tears were streaming down my face. "And I'm not the boy who lived! I'm just his sister that nobody knows! Did you even try to contact me when I was in America?" He looked down.

"Maddie..." Harry started but closed his mouth. "No," I realized, "You didn't." I stopped yelling. We looked at each other for a while. Then he said, "I didn't ask to be the boy who lived. I didn't ask for our parents to be murdered." He said forcefully. "That's right. You didn't." I seethed. "But that's what you got."

"You know what Harry, maybe it was a bad idea for me to come here. Clearly your life was just perfect without me." I pushed past him. "Maddie, wait. Don't say that." Harry begged. I ignored him and walked down the hallway. I didn't look back.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 14, 2023 ⏰

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