Chapter 9:

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We waved goodbye, as I walked over to Hagrid. "Hello Hagrid!" I said, setting my bags down at my feet. "Hello there, Maddie!" Hagrid boomed.

All around me 1st years gathered. They were all chatting about the sorting ceremony. I was scared, I know Harry said he didn't care, and I don't either, I read somewhere that your house does not define you as a person. I'm really trying to believe that. But if I'm not in Gryffindor I won't see Harry as much as I would want too.

I just took a deep breath and followed Hagrid to the small boats. The castle was beautiful. We sailed across the black lake. Hagrid told us that if we looked hard enough we might see the giant squid swim by.

When we finally reached the castle, we were led through long corridors and up stair cases, and finally to two large chestnut wood doors.

Waiting outside them was Professor McGonagall. She gave me a warm smile, then looked past me to look at the first years. I think they assumed I was a prefect or someone in charge because they had formed almost a line behind me.

They crowded around as we stopped in front of McGonagall. She cleared her throat and everyone stopped talking. The only sounds were the muffled voices of students in the great hall. It sounded like a lot.

"Now," McGonagall started, "beyond these doors you will be sorted into your houses. There's Gryffindor," she glanced at me, "Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin."

My adrenaline was pumping and I could hear my own heart pounding as the doors opened. I immediately started searching for Harry, but instead I was met with those same silver eyes from the train.

He smiled, and gave me a thumbs up. I started to walk into the great hall, but Professor McGonagall stopped me. "Wait here," she said. "What? Why?" I asked her. "You will be sorted last." She told me, not looking in my direction.

The large doors closed. But before they did I saw Draco look at me with his icy gray eyes.

After they were securely shut. I turned back to professor McGonagall who was looking directly at me.

I gave her a weak smile. "You know, your brother doesn't get along very well with that Malfoy boy." She was staring straight into my eyes. "How did you-?" I started. "Just a hunch," she said with a slight smile pulling on the corners of her mouth.

I shook it off. She couldn't possibly know who I was looking at. It doesn't matter because the most important thing in my life is about to happen to me.

I smoothed out the wrinkles in my robes and took a deep breath. I looked back to Professor McGonagall, she smiled then said, "Good luck," with a nod. The grand double doors opened up again. I stood in the middle of them, my hands fidgeting, my eyes darting around. Everyone's eyes were on me.

I felt light headed. Then I found Harry. He had the biggest smile on his face. Finally my feet started to move. I made my way to the pedestal where the old hat sat. There was a stool, and professor McGonagall was already standing there waiting for me.

I looked back at the doors, then back to her and gave her a confused look. She just smiled, "Potter, Maddie!" She called out.

I guess the students here didn't know who I was because instead of silence, hundreds of whispers broke out all at once.

Professor Dumbledore, who sat at a long table with the rest of the professors, leaned forward in his seat onto the table in front of him.

I sat on the stool and faced the 4 large house tables.

"Hmm..." the hat hummed. I jumped. The hat talked? "Yes, I talk," it answered. I hadn't even said anything. "Kind, yes. Intelligent, very!" Was it talking to me or itself? "Cunning and very ambitious. Brave at heart. But where to put you?" It asked out loud.

Everyone was staring at me, at the hat. My heart was beating so fast it could have burst out of my chest.

I didn't really have a preference on what house I wanted to be in, I just wanted to be with Harry.

"No preference aye?" The hat asked. Not really? I thought.

"Not Ravenclaw," it said. me, I took offense to that. "You are kind but not trustworthy enough," it told me again. I guess that was true. "But you would do anything to protect your loved ones, even putting yourself in danger, but you are truly and utterly ambitious." It seemed it really had no idea where to put me.

"I have made my decision!" It yelled in a voice that boomed through the great hall. I jumped at the sudden noise.

"You will be in..."

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