Chapter 7:

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When the morning finally came, I jumped out of bed and got dressed. 'What to wear?' I thought.

I put on my favorite pair of baggy jeans, a black turtleneck, and olive green sweater. For shoes I just put in a pair of black platform converse.

I looked in the mirror and realized I hadn't brushed my hair yet.

Once I did I just put it in a ponytail. Done. I ran down stairs and Hermione was the only one there, other than a few other adults eating and drinking coffee.

"Hey, Hermione." I took the seat next to her. "Good morning, Maddie" she looked up from the book she was reading.

We sat in comfortable silence for a while. Then Harry and Ron came running down the stairs.

I smiled. Not at anything in particular, just the fact that I was with Harry.

"Hey look," Ron said, "You and Maddie are matching," he said with a laugh. Harry was wearing a pair of baggy jeans as well and a green shirt.

Harry and I shared a look of pure joy. Just glad that our weird twin relationship hadn't been lost.

Mr. And Mrs. Weasley both came down stairs with 3 other children that I assumed were Ron's older brothers and a girl who looked younger than the rest but looked just like them non the less.

"Hi," Said one of the boys, "I'm Fred, and this is George!" He shook my hand and I smiled. "I'm Maddie, Maddie Potter!" My smile grew bigger by the second. "Nice to meet you, Maddie"

We all left into Diagon Alley and I looked around at all the once familiar shops and people. It was amazing. There wasn't anything like this back in America.

I stuck with Hermione and them but when we went into the Quidditch store I was blown away by all the cool stuff they had. "Harry, you're the only one who plays Quidditch here. Let's go to a different store." Hermione said.

"I play Quidditch!" I said. "You do!?" Harry asked excitedly. "What position?" "I'm a seeker." I told him.

His eyes went wide. Did I say something wrong? "I'm a seeker too!" He said excitedly. "He's the youngest seeker in a century." Ron said indefinitely.

I didn't want to take away from Harry's excitement . He looked so proud. But not in an egotistical way, in a 'are you proud of me?' Way.

I smiled "I'm the youngest seeker in 5 centuries..." I said slowly. I saw the disappointment flash across Harry's face but it was quickly hidden with a hug he gave me.

I explored the store, and was having a great time watching people test out broom sticks and smelling all the cleaning products—I loved that smell—until I bumped into a blonde boy who looked about my age.

He turned around, "Watch it!" He sneered. "I'm so sorry." I said, his face changed into something I couldn't read.

"Oh! It's alright." He said. His eyes, studying me. He had beautiful gray eyes. "I'm Malfoy, Draco Malfoy." He stuck out his hand for me to shake. I did.

"I'm Maddie." I said with a smile. "Are you new?" He asked. "Yeah, I am. I just transferred from Ilvermorney to be with my brother." I told him. "Who's your brother? I might know him." He asked. "Harry Potter." I said.

His face dropped. "Potter? You mean? You're a...Potter?" I didn't really think about why he said it that way, nobody until now knew he even had a sister. "Yeah," I blushed. "Well, you definitely got the beautiful jeans." He said.

I was speechless. I was blushing so hard it felt like my face was on fire. "Malfoy!" My brother yelled from behind me. 'So they knew each other. Didn't sound like Harry was too thrilled to see him.' Draco rolled his eyes then looked at Harry.

He had one eyebrow quirked when he answered, "Pottah!" I was so taken aback from how they were speaking. Neither of them had even given me the idea they could be nasty, not even a little bit.

I turned around to see Harry, Ron, and Hermione. Draco smirked. "Why didn't you tell me you had such a beautiful sister, Pottah?" Draco asked, looking me up and down. "Stay away from her, Malfoy" Harry sneered, at which he grabbed my arm and pulled me away, out of the shop and down to the other end of Diagon Alley.

"What the heck were you thinking? Talking to Malfoy?" Harry scolded. Ron and Hermione saying the same, but with their eyes. "I'm sorry, I didn't know! He seemed nice?" I yelled back.

Harry took a deep breath. "Just-...just don't talk to him again, ok?" I nodded and he smiled. We shopped around some more and got our books for this year. After that we headed to Kings Cross station.

I looked at the train ticket in my hand. Platform 9¾? "Harry?" I asked, "Hmm?" "Why does my ticket say 9¾? There's no such thing?" He just smiled and so did Ron.

"You'll see" and he pulled me along.

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