Cashier: "Uhm, if she's with you, sir?"

Y/N: "Yes. Hey Rubes. See anything you want?"

After some dashing around, Ruby finally comes to a conclusion.

Ruby: "I want the half-dozen standard chocolate chip cookies, please."

Cashier: "Coming right up!"

As the cashier collect the cookies into a bag, Y/N glances back at Ruby. 

Y/N: "Uh... Rubes, those are a bit pricey."

The team leader just smiles at him.

Ruby: "You promise I would pick any cookie I want. So, I pick those and no take back."

Y/N: "I did say that, yeah." ("Well, there goes a chunk of my liens.")

Patting him on the back, Ruby comments back. 

Ruby: "Don't worry. I'm willing to share it with you."

As soon as the cashier hand over the cookies to Ruby, she quickly takes it out of the cashier's hands and dash out of the bakery. After Y/N pay for the cookies and goes outside, he quickly takes the bag of cookies from Ruby's hands.

Ruby: "H-Hey!"

Y/N: "If we're going to eat, we'll eat at my room. You still need to tune my weapons, remember?"

Ruby pouts a little before sighing.

Ruby: "Okay. So, what do you want to me to fix?"

The two students head back to Beacon as Y/N explain what he need fixing in his weapons.

(Several Minutes Later)

Ruby is sitting at Y/N's small table, doing the last touches of Y/N's gauntlets after finishing his Crimson and Violet. Y/N is reading a book on his bed with the bag of cookies next to him. Suddenly, Ruby stretches out her arms, leaning back on her seat.

Ruby: "I've finished!"

Y/N: "Good job, Rubes. Here's your reward."

He then goes to hand the bag of cookies to her as she quickly grabs it and proceeds to eat a well-sized cookie. 

Ruby: "So delicious~"

As she eats her cookie, Y/N goes to put away his weapons and packing up Ruby's toolset. What caught his attention is a small tattered red cape in it, his eyes slowly widen upon seeing this.

Y/N: ("A red cape?")

As he holds it, Y/N turn his head to look at Ruby.

Y/N: "Hey, Rubes? What's this?"

Ruby turns her attention to Y/N as she sees what he's holding in his hand.

Ruby: "Oh, it's my old cape. I guess I forgot to put it away."

She giggles in embarrassment as Y/N goes to sit next to Ruby on his bed.

Y/N: "You wore this before?"

Ruby: "Yeah. My mom gave it to me when I was very young."

Y/N: "Oh... I see."

From what he can recall from Yang, their mom who supposedly die on a Huntsman mission. Y/N immediately recoils back as he comments.

Y/N: "I-I'm sorry for bringing it up."

Ruby: "N-No, it's fine. I'm sure Yang told you about our mom, huh?"

Y/N: "Her name was Summer, right?"

Ruby nods before continuing. 

Ruby: "From what I can remember and what Yang told me, Mom was the best mother, like ever. One time, when Yang and I were playing out in the wood during a hiking trip, until a Beowolf show up and attack us. While Yang tries to protect me and shouting for help, I cover myself with my old cape."

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