Chapter 12

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Ashiya finished work as he ran home "The sire should be home by now!" Ashiya shouted as he was almost at their apartment room. After five more minutes of running he finally made it back to his and Maou home.

"Sire!" Ashiya shouted as he slammed the door opened to see that Maou was laying down reading one of his comics. "Hey Ashiya, how was work." Maou asked his friend/servant "Work was fine but I happened to see Lucifer with two children." Ashiya tells him.

Maou immediately sat up and put down the comic "Why was he at a kids place with kids?!" Maou shouted as he felt anger rise, he didn't know why he was angry. He took out his phone and handed it to Maou as he looked at a photo Ashiya took. "They called that fallen angel mommy too sire."

That got Maou curious "Why mommy wouldn't it be daddy or dad?" Maou asked as Ashiya shrugged his shoulders "I'm not sure why but my guess is that he must live close by." He answered his sire.

Ever since seeing Urushihara not that long ago, Maou has been thinking about him nonstop. He didn't know why he kept thinking about him and now just the thought of him adopting a child with another person pissed him off so much.

"Sire if you look at the children closely the girl looks more like Urushihara while the boy looks more like you." Ashiya tells him as Maou looks at the kids. He was surprised the twins resembled him and the fallen angel. "It could just be a coincidence a lot of people look the same."

Maou nodded at Ashiya words "Yeah, it's just some kids that look like us." Maou mumbled as he handed Ashiya his phone back and went back to reading his comic. "I have the day off tomorrow so when you go to work I'll look around the area." Maou tells him.

Before Ashiya could say anything his cellphone rang "Oh it's Chi." Maou says as he answered his girlfriend call "Hey Chi. Huh, yeah I have the day off tomorrow but I made plans to do something for Ashiya. Yeah sorry okay bye." With that Maou ended the call.

"Did Chiho invite you to a date?" Ashiya asked as Maou nodded "Yeah but I know she works tomorrow and I don't want her to call in sick just for a date." Maou tells Ashiya as he nodded "Very well Sire, I'll start on dinner right away." Ashiya says as he puts on a apron.

After dinner they decided to head to bed early, Ashiya fell asleep right away while Maou was still up. 'Is it really a coincidence that those kids resemble us...?' Maou thought to himself.

Maou just couldn't get the picture of the kids out of his mind. 'Tomorrow! For sure I will find Urushihara and ask him about those kids and why he left.' Maou thought to himself with a satisfied smile "Time to sleep now." He mumbles to himself.

The demon king finally goes to sleep now, he snored quietly.




The alarm went off as Ashiya woke up and stretched "Time to make some breakfast for my sire." Ashiya says as he cleans himself up and grabs some ingredients from the fridge.

To Urushihara

Urushihara was sleeping but he was being poked by two little kids. "Stop...still sleepy..." Urushihara sleepily says but the twins kept poking him. "Mommy were hungry." Rei cutely tells him.

Tatsuya pouts cutely "Pleawe make us food mama." Tatsuya cutely asked him. Urushihara couldn't ignore his cute twins "Fine. You both are lucky you're cute and adorable." Urushihara says as he got up and walked to the kitchen.

"How does pancakes sounds my adorable angels?" He asked them. Rei and Tatsuya eyes shined at that "Yesh! Pancakes!" The twins shouted excitedly, Urushihara chuckled at that "Okay pancakes it is!" He says as he makes pancakes for all three of them.

Urushihara also cuts up some fruits "Mommy is auntie Emi and auntie Suzuno coming today?" Rei asked him cutely. Urushihara looked at his twins "No not today, Emi has work until late at night and Suzuno is busy today. They're come tomorrow, so want to come to work with me today?" Urushihara asked his kids.

The twins pouted but then perked up "Yay! We get to go with mommy!" Tatsuya and Rei happily shouted at the same time, Urushihara set their breakfast down with a cup of milk. "But you gotta drink all your milk and eat all your fruit too not just your pancakes."


He also ate the same thing as the kids, after a while all three of them finished eating. "Time to get ready!" He tells them as he helps his kids get ready first then he gets himself ready. "Ready to go?" Urushihara asked his twins.

They nodded with big smiles "Yews!" They both say at the same time, they each packed toys so they can play with. Urushihara packed them some snacks and drinks just in case they want some later "Let's go." He tells them.

They leave the apartment as Urushihara locks up, they each hold his hand as they walk to the bakery. For some reason Urushihara has a bad feeling 'What is this bad feeling that I got? Why do I feel like something is going to happen today?' He thought to himself.

Urushihara just shook his head "No I'm probably just feeling uneasy because I'm bringing the kids to work with me today..." Urushihara whispered to himself as he smiled to himself. "We're here." He says as they go to the back.

Fumi smiled and greeted them especially the kids "Now Tatsuya and Rei be good okay." Urushihara tells his kids, Fumi nods with a smile "Yes if you're good, I might give you both a reward." Fumi tells them.

The twins smiled brightly "Really! Okie! We will be super good!" They happily shouted, Urushihara and Fumi both smiled. Once again Urushihara felt that bad feeling but he shook it off again.

To be continued

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05 ⏰

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