Chapter 8

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Emi was let in the apartment "Auntie Emi!" Rei and Tatsuya happily shouted, Tatsuya hugged his godmother. She smiled at her godchild "Hi Tatsu." Emi hugged back.

Urushihara came out to bring tea and snacks for them and milk for the little ones. Then he noticed something was on Emi mind "Hey Emi what's up?" Urushihara asked her.

Suzuno seems to have noticed something was wrong as well "Did something happened at work Emi?" Suzuno now asked Emi.

Looking at both Urushihara and Suzuno concern expression she decided to tell them. "Maou and Ashiya are here in this building. Not only that but the lady gave them both our room numbers." Emi tells them.

Urushihara was surprised "So what do we do if they knock at this door Urushihara?" Suzuno asked Urushihara. Urushihara looked down not knowing what to do.

Setting the tea and warm milk down on the table, he sat down. Tatsuya and Rei grabbed their cups filled with warm milk for them. They sat down and clung onto Urushihara "Mommy is something wrong?" Tatsuya asked his mother.

The girls looked concerned about this situation "If he knocks then can one of you answer in my place?" Urushihara asked both Emi and Suzuno as they knew he was worried.

Urushihara then patted Tatsuya head "And I'm fine so don't worry." He told his son. Suzuno and Emi nodded at each other "We don't mind answering the door for you." Suzuno answered with a smile.

He smiled at them "Thank you." Urushihara thanked the girls. Both Rei and Tatsuya yawned "It looks like you two are tired. Time for your bed time." Urushihara says to the twins.

"Okie mommy!" The twins said at the same time and Urushihara stood up along with the twins. "I'll be back after putting them down to sleep." Urushihara tells them as the girls nodded.

With that Urushihara took the twins to their shared room. There was two bedrooms in the apartment of course Urushihara had his own room and the twins shared a room.

Emi glanced at Suzuno "What should we say when those idiots knock on the door?" Emi asked Suzuno about Maou and Ashiya. "I'm not sure. We can just tell those idiots that we're babysitting or something." Suzuno answered Emi.

Not long did someone knock "Guess they are here." Emi says she was about to get up but Suzuno grabbed her arm. "Allow me to answer it." She tells Emi.

Emi nodded letting Suzuno to get the door, she unlocked the door and opened it. "Hello, how can I help you?" Suzuno asked staring at Maou and Ashiya as they looked surprised but they remembered Emi saying something about visiting someone.

Urushihara was about to walk out of his kids room but stopped. "Suzuno! I didn't know you would be in this room?" Maou says as Ashiya nodded "We knocked on the other one but no one answered." Ashiya tells her.

"That would be because the person that lives there is in this apartment here." Suzuno tells the two demons with a bored expression. "What are you two even doing here?" Suzuno asked the two demons.

Maou and Ashiya glanced at each other "Well we noticed you going out a lot so we got curious is all." Maou tells her as Suzuno nods her head. "I visit Emi and another dear friend of mine that I made about four years ago."

They were surprised at hearing that "Is Emilia in here with you?" Ashiya asked now as Suzuno nodded, Emi butted in now "What do you guys want!" Emi yelled at the two.

Urushihara was just standing in the twins room, he was overhearing everything. "Well we also want to know where Urushihara is at?" Maou asked the girls. Both girls were mad and wanted to beat him up.

Of course they weren't going to tell Maou the truth. "Why would we know where he is? We haven't seen him since he was with you two and that was like four years ago almost five years now." Emi tells the two demons.

But Maou and Ashiya weren't buying their story at all. Urushihara wanted to shout at them for coming 'They have the nerve to come here and ask where I am...' He thought to himself.

Suzuno kept her cool but she so badly wanted to yell at them and glare too. 'You two never once treated him right! You went out to eat and just bring him convenience store food!' Suzuno thought to herself.

Emi wanted to punch the both of them in the face so bad. She probably even want to slay the two 'I wish I can just kill you two. You two don't even deserve to see him or the twins. You never once treated him with kindness, and you always give him so little to eat.' Emi thought to herself.

Putting her hands on her hips Emi decided to ask them something "Why are you even still looking for him? I thought you gave up on searching for him? Aren't you dating Chiho so shouldn't you worry about her instead of someone else?"

Urushihara stayed silent, he heard about Maou and Chiho finally dating from Emi and Suzuno. To be honest Urushihara couldn't careless if they started dating or married. All that matters to him is keeping his kids safe and happy.

"Well yeah. But we still need his help so we can try to get back home too. It's not like we can stay here forever." Maou says as Ashiya nodded "Sire is right. We might look human but we are not at all." Ashiya told them.

The girls knew they were right but they were wrong Urushihara wasn't a demon. "Well it would seem you are wrong. Urushihara is not a demon, he is a fallen Angel." Suzuno corrected them.

Emi nodded "And who cares if you stay in this world. You already been here for almost five years." Emi tells them. Maou and Ashiya both raised an eyebrow "You both sure got defensive when we spoke of Urushihara." Maou says to them.

Ashiya agreed by nodding his head "Do you two really not know where he is?" Ashiya asked them. "Like we said we don't know. We only wanted to correct your mistake." Emi says to the two demons.

Suzuno nodded by agreeing with Emi "Now if you excuse us we were enjoying some tea and snacks." Suzuno says as she slammed the door on the two demons faces.

To be continued

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