Chapter 10

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Emi and Suzuno were both walking to the meet up spot that Chiho decided on meeting up. Not long did they see Chiho at the meeting place as she was waving at them with a smile.

"Emi! Suzuno! I'm so glad we can hang out with each other!" Chiho says with a smile as the two smiled back at her. "Did we take long?" Emi asked Chiho, she was no little girl anymore she was now twenty.

Chiho shook her head "No you guys are on time, I'm just early because I was so happy." Chiho tells the two of them. "Why were you so happy? We see each other still." Suzuno asked the girl.

The twenty year old smiled a little sadly at them since they didn't realize something. Emi noticed the sad smile "What's wrong Chi?" Emi asked the young girl.

Suzuno and Emi glanced at each other "Well we might see each other but we hardly talk or hang out since you two always end up going somewhere together." Chiho tells them as they now looked surprised.

They didn't even realize that they would do that. Emi scratched her cheek gently as she averted eye contact 'We can't let her know about Urushihara and the twins.' Emi thought to herself.

Suzuno knew what Emi was thinking 'Chiho can't know about them. Me and Emi have to make sure that she or the other two don't find out.' Suzuno thought to herself.

"Sorry to make you feel left out Chiho. We had important stuff to do lately. We're really sorry." Suzuno lied well it wasn't technically a lie since the twins were very important to both Suzuno and Emi.

Of course Chiho didn't understand she figured it had something to do with their world. Emi smiled "Well we're here now so why don't we go and have fun together. The three of us." Emi tells them both.

Chiho smiled happily "Yes! Did you guys eat anything yet?" She asked them as the two shook their heads. "Okay why don't we go eat something first then go shopping and see a movie?" Chiho suggested to them.

Emi and Suzuno glanced at each other then nodded with smiles. "Sounds very fun, shall we go now?" Suzuno says as Chiho nodded, the three started to walk now.

With Urushihara

Urushihara was making the twins something to eat for them, the twins were currently playing with their toys.

He smiled at them, then he thought about the girls "I wonder if their having fun?" He asked himself then at the kids. Urushihara hardly takes the twins out because he's scared they might run into the Maou and Ashiya.

The twins were running around 'I'll take them to that jumping place for kids.' Urushihara thought to himself with a smile "Tatsuya. Rei." The twins look at their mother "Yes mommy!" They both shouted at the same time.

"How would you two like to go to the jumpers after your done eating?" They smiled big at them "Yes!!!" Urushihara chuckled at them "But you have to eat your veggies and all of them." He told his twins.

The twins pouted at Urushihara "Fine." They agreed to the terms as Urushihara set the plates on the table with their juice packets. "Time to eat you two." He told his kids.

They walked to the table as Urushihara helped them to their seats. He also sat with them as he was eating too 'Man I'm already getting nervous of taking the kids out...' He thought to himself.

After an hour they all finished eating and Urushihara got dress and got his little ones dressed too. He checked the backpack to make sure he packed everything he needed. "Alright let's head out to have some fun!" Urushihara cheered as his kids giggled.

"Yeah! We're going to have so much fun with mommy today!" Rei and Tatsuya cheered happily at the same thing. Urushihara chuckled as they left the apartment and Urushihara decided it was best to take a bus instead of walking.


Urushihara turned to see who called his name, it was his boss. He smiled "Hi boss." Fumi smiled at him " I already told you to call me by my name." Fumi told Urushihara as he smiled still.

Rei and Tatsuya hugged Fumi with big smile "Hiiiii Fu chan!" Tatsuya happily says, Rei happily spoke next "Mommy going to take us to a jumping place to have fun and jump!" Fumi smiled at them and hugged them back.

Fumi looked at Urushihara "Sound so fun. Would you like me to give you a ride?" She asked him as he scratched his cheek a little "I don't want to be a bother and you must be busy too." He tried to decline her offer since he didn't want to bother Fumi.

"Nonsense. I don't mind at all and I have some errands to run and it so happens that their in the area of where the jumping place is at." Fumi tells Urushihara but before he can say anything the twins spoke up cheerfully.

Rei jumped up and down with Tatsuya "Yay! We get to ride with Fu-chan!" They both said at the same time and that made Urushihara sighed 'How can I say no to them acting like that.' He thought to himself as he smiled at Fumi. "I'll take you up on the offer Bo-I mean Fumi."

With that Fumi gave them a ride, they talked and laughed. About 15 minutes later they came to a stop, Urushihara got out and unbuckled his twins. "Thank you Fumi." Urushihara thanked his boss, she smiled at him "Your so welcome Hanzo. I'll see you tomorrow at work."

Urushihara stopped her as he took an envelope out of his backpack. "I was going to give you this tomorrow but I might as well give it to you today." He handed Fumi an envelope as she took it and looked at it. "What is it for?" She asked him.

"It's an invitation to Rei and Tatsuya birthday me and my friends are throwing a small party. You helped me when I needed it so I want you to come." Urushihara tells Fumi as she felt so happy. "Thank you so much, do you mind if I bring someone with me." Urushihara shook his head "Not a all."

After that Fumi left and Urushihara and the twins headed inside the bouncer place.

To be continued

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