Chapter 4

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Maou and Ashiya were exhausted all day they have been searching for Urushihara but couldn't find him. "Where could that NEET be at?!" Ashiya shouted angry at how the fallen angel left and is hiding from them.

"Hey Suzuno." Emi greeted Suzuno with a smile fighting the urge to kick Maou door open and beat the two demons up. "Hello Emi." Suzuno greeted Emi with a small smile that she only gives to Emi mostly.

They heard Emi voice from next door "It seems that Emi has come to visit Suzuno." Ashiya says as Maou nodded "Yeah it looks like it." Maou says sighing, he's worried about Urushihara right now so he couldn't care less about Emi.

The walls were thin so they could hear the girls "Oh Emi it would seem that Urushihara has gone missing. Have you perhaps seen him at all?" Suzuno asked Emi worriedly.

Emi hid it pretty well, she knew Maou and Ashiya could hear them because of the paper thin walls. Also the demons would most likely listening into their conversation just in case the hero had any leads to the fallen angel.

"No I'm sorry. I didn't even know about him going missing at all. You don't think he probably ran away for a reason after all they didn't really treat him well." Emi tells Suzuno hoping that both men were listening.

That got Maou attention fully even Ashiya who didn't really like Urushihara since he did betray their sire once. Suzuno looked at Emi as she nodded at the hero "I honestly agree with you as well." Suzuno agreed with Emi.

Emi decided to speak "What do you think was wrong of them to do? Give me your honest opinion is Suzuno." Emi wanted to know why Suzuno would agree with her.

Suzuno took a sip of her tea than she set it down. "He might be an idiot but he did not deserve to sleep in a cardboard box or eat small amount of food." She tells Emi what she thought was wrong of the demons did to Urushihara.  "I agree as well. He might be a demon but still he is human here, this is a crime to treat someone so poorly."

Suzuno nodded, both girls knew that the demons were listening to them. "I honestly do hope that he is okay." She was telling the truth and Emi knew she was.

Emi really wanted to tell her but then Maou and Ashiya would know Urushihara situation especially since it's one of their faults.

Maou and Ashiya glanced at each other "Sire were we really that harsh to Lucifer?" Ashiya asked Maou, the demon king looked a little guilty now. "I guess we were if Suzuno and Emi are saying it..." Maou whispered.

Ashiya looked at his sire who looked guilty about the situation. "My lord I wish to tell you that he deserved it. After all he did try to kill you and Emi." He tells Satan.

"Yeah your right. I was just punishing my subordinate." Maou says with a grin as Ashiya kneeled "Of course Sire! You did the right thing to punish him." Ashiya tells Maou.

Suzuno and Emi looked at the wall and sighed at them. 'Idiots...' Both girls thought to themselves. "I hope Urushihara does return back soon though." She whispered.

Emi heard what Suzuno whispered 'I'll talk to Urushihara about telling Suzuno about it.' Emi thought to herself. "I'm sure he is fine, I hope that is." Emi tries to assure her.

After two hours later Emi decides to leave now, Suzuno made soba for dinner which Emi ate with her. "Oh Emi here take some home for yourself to eat, I made too much." Suzuno gives Emi a Tupperware.

Emi happily accepted it "Thank you Suzuno, I'll bring back the Tupperware once I'm done with it." She tells Suzuno as the ex-assassin nodded with a smile. "Get home safe Emi." Emi nodded with a smile "I will, thank you."

With that Emi left, at least she doesn't need to stop at a store for food.

Three Train Stops Away

Emi finally made it back to her home and she saw Urushihara sitting at the couch watching tv. "Did you do anything today?" Emi asked him setting the Tupperware down.

Urushihara didn't look at Emi "I did go out and found myself a job." He tells her as that really surprised her. "You found a job?! Where at, I want to know?!" Emi shouted at Urushihara wanting to know.

He sighed "You know that pastry shop not far from here." Emi nodded knowing about it. "I went outside to apply there and then I started today already." Urushihara tells Emi.

Emi smiled "Well, then I'm glad I got this today." She says going through her purse, the fallen angel looked confused now.

Not long did she find it. Emi gives Urushihara a box and he opens it, his eyes widen. "It's a phone!" Urushihara shouted happily and he was happy about getting one and from no less Emi.

"Thanks Emi!" Urushihara thanked her and she smiled "It's no problem. I realize that you didn't have a cellphone so I decided to get you one." Emi told him.

It might be an excuse for not just admitting that Emi was actually worried leaving him home by himself. But Urushihara was happy nonetheless.

Then Emi remembered about the food and that she wanted to talk to him about Suzuno. "Oh Suzuno gave me some soba noodles to take with me. And..." Emi trailed off.

Urushihara noticed it right away "And what?" He asked the hero. Emi looked serious "Is it alright if I tell Suzuno that your here. She's really worried and she always has been since she seen how Maou and Ashiya treats you." Emi asked him.

Urushihara look down at the phone in his hand "Yeah I guess you can tell her I'm here but tell her not to tell Maou and Ashiya at all." He tells Emi which surprised her. She expected him to reject her knowing.

Emi smiles "So should I serve you some soba to eat?" She asked Urushihara as he nodded "Yeah I'm starving!" He says with a smile as Emi giggled.

To be continued

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