Chapter 6

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A few years passed by and the twins were now going to be five years old soon. "M-mommy." Rei called out to her mommy who is our one and only Urushihara.

Honestly he wanted to be called daddy or dad but no they had to call him mommy. Oh well he was the one that gave birth so it should be expected "What is it Rei?" Urushihara asked as he was washing dishes.

Rei pointed at Tatsuya who had Rei angel doll in his hands, Urushihara sighed. He dried the last dish and put it away "Tatsuya how many times do I have to say not to take your sister doll."

Tatsuya pouted and looked away, Rei looked like she was about to burst out tears. "I want a new toy now mommy!" Tatsuya yelled as Rei nods her tiny head "Me too!"

"Huh?! You just got new toys from auntie Emi and auntie Suzuno!" Urushihara shouted at them and clearly shocked at how greedy his kids are. Wait no he's greedy too and so is Maou so it should be expected that his kids would be greedy too.

It was hard for Urushihara to say no to his kids but this time he will. Urushihara crossed his arms "No new toys. You're get new toys when your birthday comes so wait until then." Urushihara tells them.

They pouted at him but Urushihara wasn't going to back down at their cuteness. The door then slammed opened "We brought some new toys!!!" Both Emi and Suzuno shouted cheerfully.

"WHAT!!!/YAY!!!" Urushihara and his kids shouted at the same time. Urushihara was mad that the girls brought toys when he finally told them no while the twins were so happy.

Urushihara sighed then smiled at how happy his kids are. Urushihara changed as he wore skinny jeans, a plain shirt, a white jacket zipped up and purple scarf. "I'll be going now." He told them.

He walks to the entrance to put his shoes on "Okay we will take good care of them." Emi says with a smile and Suzuno nodded. "I'll be back around seven or eight." Urushihara tells them.

Tatsuya and Rei smiled at Urushihara "Bye mommy!" They cheerfully shouted with big smiles. "I'll see you two later okay, so be good for auntie Emi and auntie Suzuno." He tells them as they nodded.

Urushihara still worked at the same bakery with the nice owner who hired him "Hey boss sorry if I'm late." Urushihara apologized to his boss but she smiled at him. "Your not late silly Hanzo." She giggled.

Over the past few years Urushihara really started to open up and started to socialize with others. He also became very responsible about a lot of stuff especially his children.

He learned how to cook and bake too, he was a good parent "Thank you for coming." He says with a smile "Hanzo we're closing up early today. It looks like it's going to snow heavy tonight." The boss let Urushihara know.

Urushihara nodded "Okay." He closed up shop and cleaned up too. He went to the back to change to his clothes he was wearing before. After changing he waved to his boss "Bye. See you tomorrow." He says as she waved back to him.

It was cold, Urushihara could see his own breath. "I should buy more juices and snacks for the kids." He mumbles to himself as he walks into the grocery store.

It didn't take him too long to pay for his stuff that he got. Urushihara walked out and was now walking home "Urushihara?" He turned to see who called his name "Yeah?"

But stopped as he saw who it was, his eyes widen in shock "...Maou...?" He saw the one person that he didn't want to see at all. Maou ran up and grabbed Urushihara arm.

"Where have you been?! Do you know how much me and Ashiya looked for you?! Come on let's go home!" Maou shouted trying to drag Urushihara with him.

Unexpectedly Maou did not think that Urushihara would reject him. Urushihara snatched his arm away from Maou. "I'm not going with you!" Urushihara shouted at Maou.

That surprised Maou "Sire!" Ashiya shouted as he was running towards the two. "Why don't you want to come with me!" Maou shouted back as he was angry now with the fallen angel.

Urushihara saw it in Maou eyes the anger in them, he was angry at him for rejecting him. Urushihara averted his eyes away from Maou "Urushihara you know better then to defy our lord." Ashiya yelled at him.

Defying their lord. That was what made the fallen angel snap "Shut up! Defy the lord you say! We're not in Ente Isla anymore! So your not my lord and I don't have to follow your orders! And why would I even go back to that small room! It's not like anything's gonna change at all! I'm still going to have to sleep in a stupid cardboard box! And you're just gonna give me the same small amount of food too!" Urushihara snapped.

Maou and Ashiya didn't know what to say at all to Urushihara now. Realizing that their making a scene Urushihara decides to run off "Hey!" He could hear Maou voice. 'Why?! Why?!' He shouted in his mind.

It didn't take long for Urushihara to make it back to his apartment. He went in the elevator as he was lost in thought "..." Urushihara didn't know what to say.

Why did he have to run into Maou and Ashiya? He didn't want to see them at all but he had to just run into them. "I hope I don't run into those two again especially Maou..." Urushihara says as the elevator bell rang.

Urushihara sighed as he walked out "I guess I need to tell Emi and Suzuno about this..." He mumbles to himself.

He took out his key and unlocked the door. He walked in to see Emi and Suzuno sitting on the couch "Hey guys." Urushihara greets them with a smile as they faced him. "How was work?" Emi asked him.

"It was fine and I went to the store after work but..." Urushihara trails off avoiding eye contact, the girls noticed something was off and bothering him. "What happened?" Suzuno asked worriedly.

Rei and Tatsuya were suppose to be asleep but they were up and listening to them. "I saw Maou..." the twins planned to jump out to surprise them but they saw their mother's face aka Urushihara.

Emi and Suzuno eyes widen "You saw him?! Did he do anything to you! Does he know about Tatsuya and Rei?!" Emi and Suzuno both shouted at the same time.

To be continued

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