The Bioshark (Part 2)

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Soaring through the sky was Guts, who was patching his wounds from his last scuffle. His blood was squirting on the cargo's pilot sitting next to him, too afraid to say anything. Ocrido was in his own mini dropship, wrapping himself in bandages and hyping himself up. FM and his men were also on the cargo's tail, but far enough not to be noticed. That's when FM said: "Usually ships with no government clearance don't make it for too long before being surrounded by the King's security ships. If it's small enough it can pass under the planet's radar though. Thankfully, our ship's all good. " Just as he saw that he noticed a group of jets appearing out of nowhere, surrounding a small ship. It was that of the ones using a buzzsaw to get the cargo. Before the security could get a word in, a man popped out of the ship and hung around the passenger's window. It was none other than Zee, Waterguy's friend and subordinate in his minifaction The Water Haven. When FM noticed this, his usual blank expression turned into that of confusion. He then immediately called Waterguy: "What the hell did you send your agents to do?"

Water: "First of all good morning. Second of all I haven't seen them all day."

FM: "That's because they're raiding a government cargo!"

Water: "Oh...shoot...those idiots must want it for me... After I declined Angelite's offer to protect it, I told Zillatain about it. They were there when I did, so they must be after it for me... "

FM: "Well they'll be in a world of trouble if I catch them, and will be dead if Angelite does."

Water: "Wait, how do YOU know about this? Zill promised not to tell anyo-"

FM hung up on him, focusing back on Zee only to find out he took out all the jets with his EMP canon. As their ship inched closer to the cargo, so did FM's.
Out of it emerged Zee and Joe, who both leapt on to the cargo's roof. "I'm sick of playing games!" Yelled Guts, who confronted the two, ready to kill them both. Joe took a boxer's stance, with his robot arm on the go while Zee got out his weapons. Guts was about to point his crossbow at them, but Joe leapt at him with unprecedented speed, punching him in the face and knocking one of his teeth out. Guts reached for his sword but Joe kept beating him down. It didn't help that Guts was already injured, now with his knees weak he fell to the floor.
Just as they thought they won, a small ship suddenly appeared, hovering over them. Out of it jumped Jaden. As Joe looked away for a second, Guts got back up and unleashed a beatdown on him, then fired a few arrows at Zee which took him out. Now standing again he turned to the girl, but she had wrapped him up in a plasma whip, and by tightening it, she electrocuted him. What she didn't know however, was that she was charging his sword. Now completely enraged and with a fully charged blade, Guts broke free of the whip and fired an arrow at her, missing as she just barely ducked under it holding on to her glasses. She then got out of her pocket a little bomb, and threw at him, then placed a bubble shield on the ground to protect herself. Mini, who was driving the ship, saw that Guts was eyeing him the whole time. When he grabbed the bomb he knew he was going to chug it at him, so he ran away with the ship. With the bomb still in Guts' hand, Joe used his grappling hook arm to grab it then threw it ahead, exploding near the driver and heavily damaging the cargo's ship, and prompting Guts to beat his face into the ground. Jaden meanwhile was cutting a hole open in the cargo with a torch to get to what's inside and as she looked up she saw Guts opening up her supposedly enpenetrable shield with his overcharged sword, but before he could he saw a pair of arms hanging on to the tip of the cargo. It was Ocrido, whose arms were stretched out while he was swinging off into the air with tears in his eyes. In this moment of distraction, Zee fired off his nitro pistols at Guts' back, hurting him slightly. As he turned around and was about to kill him with a slash of his sword, Zee reached for his EMP canon and fired a shot that Guts blocked, disabling his blade entirely, making it dull and emptying it of nitro energy. This also affected his crossbow, and Jaden's shield. Eventually even reaching the ship's controls, disabling them completely, as the cargo with everyone on it came crashing down into a desert, far away from Feedback Fortress. FM who has witnessed all of this, stopped his ship and landed it down safely. Now is the time to get involved.

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