The Bioshark (Part 1)

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Rummaging around his office was Medley, drenched in sweat and very perturbed. "Where is it, where?!? It has to be here!" he yelled out. Jayden was standing behind him, concerned. "It must be around here somewhere, doctor. Just calm down and and I'll help you look for it." She said, trying to ease his irritation.

Medley: "If I lose this serum, all of my hard work would have been for nothing! How irresponsible could I be to just leave it here...but that's the thing, I remember leaving it right here! So where the hell is it?!"

Jayden: "Just be thankful you haven't told-"

Morgans: "Professor, excuse me for intruding but you might wanna come see this."

As Medley collected himself, slicking his hair back, he and his secretary followed Morgans to the briefing room where people who looked exactly like Medley were playing ping pong.

Medley: "Medley number 214 and 505, quit slacking off! Go to to my office and wait there, you two'll help me look for something. Now, what is it Morgans?"

Morgans: "As you know, a long time ago I used to be an agent for the TFS Task Force. I was one of the best at the time, real close to Angelite too, to the point where I was given a notifier. That little device makes it so I get notified about any decision she executes, usually without General FM knowing. Luckily for me she didn't deactivate mine when I left."

Medley: "Well, how is this of any importance to us?"

Morgans: "Well I usually don't care about this sort of thing. However this time, your name was mentioned here."

Medley: "Let me see. A cargo holding some kind of blueprints will be arriving to the Feedback Fortress, and it's somehow linked to me...I figure these TFS vermin want me to build something for them, once they 'capture me' of course. Hannibal, you're on guarding duty as always, I sent Anthony away with Xeno, Bone and Terminus are too far away from the site, and my special project is still not done...who's left to intercept the cargo's course and get me the blueprints?"

Both Medley and Morgans slowly turned their heads towards Jayden, who was dumbfounded that she'd be the one to go on such a dangerous mission.

Both Medley and Morgans slowly turned their heads towards Jayden, who was dumbfounded that she'd be the one to go on such a dangerous mission

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FM and his men were all sitting down drinking tea in their special shark-shaped ship, one of FM's favorites from his designated fleet. He had to limit himself to one ship so he would go undetected by Angelite. It didn't take long for them to see the cargo ship, tailing it however was another party. Putting his teacup down, FM looked closely through their telescope to discover that the cargo was being chased by space pirates. Moving over to their side, it was none other than Ocrido's crew, the Damo pirates.

Ocrido: "Stay on its tail boys! Whatever this is it's from tha government, so it has to be important!"

Matt: "Captain, I thought we were going to-"

Ocrido: "Find Medley, I know. I just couldn't resist going after a cargo of this size. We're pirates, first and foremost!"

Matt: "But sir!"

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