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Doctor Medley was hunched over, sweating profusely while working on something. It seemed to be some sort of liquid. Behind him was his assistant Jaden, who was biting her nails in anticipation.

Medley: "It's done! After years of trying to perfect it, this is the closest I've gotten!"

Jaden: "Congratulations sir!....Are you really sure it will work?"

Medley: "I've had far too many failures. I'm scared that this will be one..."

Jaden: "Have you decided who you're giving it to?"

Medley: "God no! If this vial fails, the side effects could be catastrophic! Whoever I give it to, should be fully aware of the risk. No matter, I'll tell those two about it in a later date separately. I wouldn't want them fighting over something that could potentially kill them. Anywho, any news about the couple?"

Jaden: "No news yet. They departed on their mission only two days ago, I wouldn't expect to hear from them until a while later."

Medley: "And what a peaceful two days it's been! Now I can go to the couch without the disgusting sight of those two animals making out or...worse... Let's get out of here Jaden."

Jaden: "Agreed sir."

As the two left the doctor's private office, they weren't aware that someone, or rather something, was spying on them.

"What the hell are in standing there for?! Either transform or cut that guy down!" yelled Nyvlem at Riley, who had his hand on his Mudae device and stayed frozen

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"What the hell are in standing there for?! Either transform or cut that guy down!" yelled Nyvlem at Riley, who had his hand on his Mudae device and stayed frozen

"I can't...I can't do it man! He's my brother!" Riley shouted back, unable to muster up the courage to attack his friend

Also standing there was Foonish, whose hat was on the ground. His eyes glowed blood red, and it was apparent to Hub that his teammate had disappeared, instead of him was a monster out for blood, this "Gustavo".

Riley: "Nyv, I think we should abandon the mission."

Nyvlem: "Are you out of your mind?! These guys killed Red! I'm not leaving until I have that freak's head on a stick!"

Riley: "You don't understand, it's not him that I'm afraid of... it's Foon... I've only seen him like this once and it wasn't pretty."

Nyvlem: "If you wanna be a coward and run, suit yourself. I'm no abandoning-" he couldn't finish his sentence before Gustavo jumped to attack Riley. In that moment Nyvlem used the first Mudae card he found and transformed into someone, jumping in the way of the attack and blocking it. His transformation was a silver-haired young man with a black and blue kimono and a wooden, yet sturdy sword, clashing with Gustavo's katana.

Nyvlem: "If you can't hurt him, then I will!" He then kicked Gus away, following that with a barrage of sword slashes which all connected, cracking Gustavo's skull and making his head bleed. Before he could follow up with another attack Riley push him out of the way, making him dodge a bullet from Hub's revolver.

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