Welcome To The Forest

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Hub immediately sprung into action, engulfing his team and latching on to every part of the ship to shield them from the crash. Fortunately, the forest's tree were tall enough to act as bumpers to slow the ship's speed down so the eventual impact with the ground didn't completely destroy it.

 Fortunately, the forest's tree were tall enough to act as bumpers to slow the ship's speed down so the eventual impact with the ground didn't completely destroy it

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Dweller emerged out of the wreckage carrying his team on his shoulders, with Orb crying digital tears over his wrecked ship

Orb: "Let me go, let me go! I'll stay and here and fix it, you guys go ahead and look for our target!"

Hub: "As you wish. Can you guys remind me what we're looking for again?"

Elika: "It says here that the first half of Medley's location is a line of code engraved on a stone pillar somewhere in this forest."

Foonish: "Which by the way, I don't understand how it's called a forest but looks exactly like a jungle. Who named this place?"

Elika: "King Shark."

Orb: "That figures."

The three agents advanced forward with Elika at the lead, considering she has the map for the place downloaded on her MEE6, when they suddenly heard a rattle from behind the bushes. Foonish jumped up on fear and his behind Pika, while Hub brought out his revolver. What out of there however was a small lizard, prompting the three to let out a sigh of relief.

"Is that them?" said a woman's voice, in a place separate from our team's "Yesss honey, but it ssseems that there are three of them and not jussst two." followed the voice of a slithery man. These two figures were the two pets sent out by Medley to deal with our heroes, standing far away from them where they can't be seen. "Use your snake eyes ability to try and pinpoint their location so I can get the jump on them." "You? Cccynder dear, I wouldn't want you to get hurt, I'll help y-" and before he could finish his sentence, he felt Cinder claws poking his neck.

Cynder: "Don't let me repeat myself again, Xeno. I said I'm doing this alone, that means I don't need your help, got that?"

Xeno: "Y-Yesss ma'am." he said, drooling.

The duo looked like they were out of an episode of TMNT. Xeno had a serpent's tail for legs, his face was a mix of reptilian and human, and his outdated fashion sense made it even worse. He was wears jeans all over, his jacket had torn sleeves and a choker with a chain attached to it. He also had a tattoo saying "Cynder's slave" on his arm.
His wife didn't look that much better either. She had the head of some cat-like animal, between a panther and a leopard, and wore black armor with golden outlines, sporting a jean jacket matching her husband's. She also had some sort of weird machine on her hips, and was literally yanking on Xeno's chain.

Upon venturing further into the "forest", Foonish started noticing that the trees and animals all looked off. Like they all had a blocky texture to them, as if they were Legos, but were completely organic. This was due to experiments performed on this jungle a long time ago by the Kick faction. Their elite scientists have developed a chemical that could supposedly harden anything to the point where gunshots would hardly be effective on it. This would certainly have been a perfect recipe for an invincible army, one that could one-up Shark's at the time. Unfortunately, this didn't work as all the chemical did was turns anything it was used on to a blockier form, making it a lot more durable but at a cost. Any creature with enough intellect would slowly become deranged, feasting on the flesh of its own kin. Animals and plant life would however be unaffected. What was worse was that it spread like a virus, by saliva, blood, even consuming fruit from infected trees. And when Shark discovered this, he took over the forest and its entire planet as his own territory with the help of Angelite, only to then abandon it completely when he couldn't control this newfound power, leaving anyone in there behind. Fortunately, Pika read about all of this beforehand so she warned Foon not to consume anything from the forest.

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