OS 11: The Parent Trap (Pt. 3)

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Quick reminder: This one-shot was inspired by the movie so credit to the movie and the script I researched and used to make the whole thing possible only with my own twists and edits. I repeat the whole thing was not my own work completely. This was only possible as it was inspired by "The Parent Trap" Happy Reading<3


Elaine finally arrived at their very own vacation home where they'll be spending Christmas. Right as she got out of the car, she saw a man that had a broad smile who was waiting for her.


"Hey kiddo, welcome back! How's the last day of school for now?" He laughed and engulfed her in a big hug. Elaine was at Cloud 9.

"Dad... finally." She said wholeheartedly as she awaited their reunion the whole ride. Greggy broke the hug and looked at her, "Did you miss me that much?"

Elaine smiled awkwardly, "Uhm, yes! It's been a whole day without you!" She tried to reason, but somehow it had worked. Greggy gave her a forehead kiss and helped her carry her bags.

"So... how's Nana doing?" Talking about their helper Raine said to specifically call her that. They got in the house and the aroma of food travelled through their nose.

"Great. She's been doing great, can't wait to see you. And as you can smell, she's cooking your favorites." Elaine gave him a huge smile and looked around.

"Oh my gosh." She said in shock as she saw the actual inside of the house. It had a touch of Victorian style with a wide porch too.

"Well, look who decided to finally come home?" She heard a woman speak from behind. She didn't even notice that her father was gone and she was rambling on about the decor.

"Hey, Nana!" She greeted. Her Nana extended her arms, "Get into these arms, you little girl!" The woman exclaimed and she rushed to her. She had a very comforting hug.

"You grew taller compared to last year! Seems like you've got a little trim, huh? You're a young lady now! You hungry?"

After they greet each other, Celia brought her to the kitchen where all the food are being cooked. Some of the servings are already on the marble island table.

"Woah..." Elaine looked shocked to see this much food. If their events in Ilocos had food for a party, this one is for a whole feast.

Celia looked at her weirdly, "What's the matter, Raine? You don't seem that excited about your favorite meals?" She said curiously. Usually, Raine would go feral to see her favorites set up for dinner, but it wasn't Raine.

Elaine puts on a wide smile and jumps up and down to hug her Nana. Something she figured Raine would do was, "Sorry Nana, I was just tired from the long ride." She smiled apologetically.

Celia looks over at Elaine and hugs her again.

"You've changed, Ray. And I just... can't put my finger on it. Although I'm certain something has changed."

Elaine got a bit nervous and put on a curious look. Suddenly a bark was heard from behind. They both turn and looked at the floor to see the dog, Summer. The Golden Retriever that Raine was talking about.

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