OS 9: Perfect

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Softly dragging her paintbrush along the canvas. Her paint palette was in her hand while the other was holding a paintbrush. Somehow finding peace in painting while listening to her taste in music.

She squints her eyes and tries to look for imperfections in her painting until she heard the timer go off. Getting a bit startled she goes to the kitchen and turns off the oven. Checks on her food and looks delicious.

Auriella Imelda M. A., daughter of Irene and Greggy A. A girl who's just like the little version of her mother. From the facial features, one can tell that she's their daughter. With a fashion sense similar to her grandmother, values, and personality like her mother, a soon-to-be businesswoman to follow her father, and a mix of bravery like her grandfather.

Although, expectations were the highest of them all. Being stuck with both influential initials, she was stuck being perfect. Always this, always that, she didn't even have the freedom to choose her heart. The mind goes first, emotions second.

Her parents were fine. She still can feel their love from time to time, although they lacked time and attention. From her childhood and teenage years, she was mostly spending time either with her grandmother or her aunt and uncle. If not, she would stay at home with the helpers.

Irene was undeniably a good mother, but she wasn't the affectionate type. Auriella liked to think that her mother expresses her love towards materialistic things or the best possible opportunities to give her. Although, Auriella grew up without having the feeling that her parents were always there for her.

In graduations or school events, most likely if they were busy she would always be expecting her aunt or uncle to come. And on some days, she felt like the happiest girl when she saw a silhouette of her parents at a school event. It was a wonderful time for her.

But those moments were counted. Auriella understood ever since. She understood that her parents needed to work, and they explained to her once that it was all for her and her future, so as an understanding daughter she stayed with the same routine.

After eating her lunch, she got ready for her violin lessons. Her mother signed her up for multiple music classes and even painting too, but she didn't really mind since she adores them. But it really affected her schedule because she'd be gem-packed all the time especially now going into the third year of high school.

After her violin class, she read her grandmother's text regarding eating dinner there. She was delighted, she haven't bonded with her grandmother for quite a few weeks due to her classes and academics. Nonetheless, she was definitely a Lola's girl.

She immediately began to get ready, planning to go early so that she still had time to bond with her grandmother. She always had a curfew at home, 9:00 pm sharp. No more. It was even lifted since her recent curfew was 7 pm. Even if her parents were not there to check on her themselves, she knew they always had eyes around the house.

She picked out a dress similar to a design of a Filipiñana. It was simple but elegant. Perfect for her taste. Since it was dinner at her grandmother's house, she decided to wear one of the shoes her grandmother gave her. It was a perfect fit just like Cinderella's glass shoe.

With a touch of perfume and her simple but natural beauty, she was ready as she gracefully walked down the stairs.

"Ay apo! Sino tong diyosang nakita ko!" She heard a loud voice from behind which startled her. She turned around to see her Nanang. One of the helpers, she was the longest one. Her loyalty to their family was beyond imaginable.

"Nanang! It was just you, you scared me naman po" She chuckled as she moves a part of her curled hair. Her hair was long, straight, and healthy black locks. Her grandmother insisted that she inherited it from her which she believed when she showed the young girl a picture of her with her hair down in her teenage years.

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