OS 6: Just The Two of Us

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Part 2 of Wifey's sick as requested:))

(Valentine's day update)


"Be a good girl hmm? We'll be back before you know it" Irene said as she hugged her daughter tight.

The couple decided to have a sort of reset, some time for themselves as they forget about the world and its problems and just focus on themselves. Another reason is that they'll celebrate Valentine's with just the two of them.

That means leaving their daughter behind for a few days, it may not be long but it surely is for Irene. She's not used to leaving her sweet girl and going for days without her hugs and kisses filled with love that will take all her tiredness away.

"I know, mom. I'll have a fun time at Mama's, you and daddy too!" Isabelle said and kissed her mom's cheek.

"Your inhaler ah, don't tire yourself too much. Manang, ikaw muna bahala sa baby ko" Irene said and made beso-beso with her sister.

"Hay nako, Irene. Ilang araw lang mawawala sa paningin mo ang anak mo ah! Enjoy na muna kayo ng asawa mo" Imee teased her little sister who just rolled her eyes as a reply. "Oh siya siya, mauna na kayo. Ako na bahala kay Belle" She said shooing her sister away.

Greggy is currently walking towards them as he finished loading up their car. "Princess, call us if you need us. Enjoy with your Mama Imee" Greggy said and gave her daughter many kisses and a tight hug.

"Opo, dad. Bye-bye, Ingat po!" She exclaimed and turned to her mom and gave her one more hug "Bye, mommy. I'll be okayyy, enjoy your time with dad" She said and showered her mom with kisses.

After bidding goodbye they went in the car and went their way to their destination.

With their hands intertwined, they silently appreciate the opportunity to be able to bond together with just the two of them.

Finally, after a few hours on the road, they arrived at their destination. They've rented a private villa with a view of a beach and also a pool to come with. With bags and luggage in hand, the couple entered the villa and at first glance it was beautiful.

"This is actually nice! You picked the perfect one, Hon" Irene said and turned to her husband with a smile drawn on her face and they fully entered their home for the next days.


Day 1: Sightseeing.

"Good morning!" A beautiful warm smile can be seen on Irene's face as she greets her husband who just entered the dining area. Greggy glances at her and his day begin beautifully with the sight of his wife's ethereal face.

"I see you've adventured the kitchen already, good morning as well, beautiful.." He greeted her back and gave her a quick kiss which made her blush, it did not go unnoticed by him to which he chuckled.

After their wonderful breakfast with the peaceful ambiance, they called their daughter who seems to have just woken up.

"You look cute, darling" Irene chuckled as she saw her daughter's puffy eyes and quite messy hair on their screen, Greggy peeked and also saw the cute sight of his daughter.

"Just woke up, princess?" He asked to which Irene turned the camera to him, their daughter nodded and laid her head down on what looked like their kitchen island.

"Nako, nakipaghamonan pa ng movie night kagabi! Ayan puyat ang prinsesa" They heard Imee's voice from behind and Isabelle quickly widened her eyes to her aunt. Irene furrowed her eyebrows "You slept late nanaman?"

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