OS 11: The Parent Trap

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This chapter is inspired by the original movie, "The Parent Trap (1998)" except where I made some changes along the way. I recommend watching the movie first before reading because this one-shot contains loads of spoilers so, spoiler alert!:)


A bright sunny day ready to start the new week of school. A new school year that is. The students come flocking in every minute as new and old faces come by the school ready to start their new year.

Raine starts to join the crowd of students as she carried her big heavy bag with her, "Gosh, why did Dad make me bring so many things." She complained internally and roamed around the school. She saw a girl carrying a lot of things, about to help her when the girl made her way into her next class with ease.

"Now that's my kind of woman."

She puts her things in her designated locker to make her backpack feel lighter and become more spacious. She wasn't really a new student here, she transferred here last year so she knows the ways and people around.

Looking at her watch she found out that it was quite early to start classes, she roamed around the school seeing new and old teachers, staff, and students.


The young girl stepped out of the quite extravagant-looking car which didn't fail to earn a few stares and glances from here and there. She scans the school's building wanting to make a fresh start.

She then turned to the man, which is also her buddy as she likes to call it. "Would you like me to accompany you inside, Elaine?" He asked. The young girl shook her head and smiled. "I can handle it from here, thank you."

They looked at each other, "See you at Christmas, queen of my heart." They shook each other's hands and started to do their iconic handshake moves. They finished shaking each other's hand again, as he kissed Elaine's forehead.

"Have fun, okay?"

"I will."

Elaine lives quite far away from the academy itself so she decided to stay with her aunt for a while that's luckily nearby her school. Why would she pick a far academy from her home you may ask? Her heart has been calling out for this academy since she was just a child, although having the disadvantage of being far away she lost hope.

Her butler is now gone, she'll be staying with her aunt now.

Not long by then, classes started as the bell rang which left some students entering from here and there, some even running.

"A bunch of new students have joined our lovely family here, why don't you guys come on over here and introduce yourselves." The adviser recommended that they awkwardly walked toward the board and looked at the class. Starting to introduce their selves.

"Pleasant morning, I am Elaine Marquez, and I came from California." Elaine introduced herself trying to sound as confident as she can. It was their teacher's request to state their name and where they live or came from.

Raine was simply busy reading her book at the left side of the room not giving any attention to the so-called new students introducing themselves upfront. She hears it every year anyways.

It was the first day of school so all they did was a simple assembly and introduction to some subjects. Raine spent the time in advance studying her lessons since it's almost like she memorizes every part of the assembly by heart at this point.

Raine is known for being the academic achiever in her class. Always studying, competing, and joining various school activities here and there she just excels in anything.

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