Chapter 41. The exclusive...

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Yibo read the headlines and shock rendered him speechless. "-Zhao Chen Wei who got the moniker "The Death Angel" for the six murders he committed in the past thirteen months still continues to haunt the citizens of Chengdu. The city chief held a press conference a month ago where he disclosed the killer's identity but he is yet to be apprehended. The police officials continue to fail in their attempts to catch the killer and on top of it, they continue to fool the public. The police department might have disclosed the killer's identity but they did not disclose the connection the precinct has to the killer." "The bitch has gone viral with her report", Haoqing spat glaring at Luo RuoXi's image on the screen. "In this exclusive report, we bring you the reason the Death Angel killed Deng Shu and targeted his recent victim, Mr. Gao Sheng." A dramatic pause and then RuoXi was speaking again. "At first, everyone assumed the Death Angel had changed his pattern but when our people delved deeper into the story, what was uncovered shook everyone." A second later a picture of Zhan entering the precinct from three days ago was staring back at him. "Oh God", Zhan whispered and a hand came to rest on his lower back. When Zhan's eyes rose to Yibo beside him all he saw was Yibo's clenched jaw and his murderous gaze. "Our sources have confirmed that Dr. Xiao Zhan who recently joined the elite task force as the Head Medical Examiner to catch The Death Angel has a personal connection to the killer, Zhao Chen Wei. Zhao Wen Jun, the first victim's brother gave the police his statement that Zhao Chen Wei is Dr. Xiao's lover. Deng Shu the sixth victim was killed minutes after he mugged Dr. Xiao. Another man, Dr. Gao Sheng who worked under Dr. Xiao had complained of the Head Medical Officer's ill-treatment towards his peers and as a result, The Death Angel pulled his tongue out", Luo RuoXi pointed to a series of blurred pictures taken from the crime scenes and in one picture Zhan was seen hovering over Deng Shu's body, working. A chill surrounded Zhan at the picture Luo RuoXi painted and it became clear what the woman was really after. The woman was out to destroy him and by extension Wang Yibo.

"On February 24th there was a fire in Seven Seas Apartments. There were reports of the killer attacking Lead Detective, Officer Lu Yuxi as well. Dr. Xiao is a resident of this apartment building and the killer took Dr. Gao to Dr. Xiao's apartment where he was found two hours later. Our sources also reported that the killer was in the apartment with Dr. Xiao Zhan for almost half an hour. Even then this cold-blooded killer roams free. The Chief of Chengdu police department continues to make promises but we ask the police the most obvious question. Did Dr. Xiao help this killer escape Seven Seas Apartments on that February night? If Dr. Xiao Zhan is the reason the killer is committing all these crimes, why hasn't he been detained? Why is the lead detective of this case Mr. Wang Yibo personally protecting the killer's accomplice? Detective Wang has a record of solving every case that was dropped on his table so, is the reason for Detective Wang's inadequacy in his involvement with Dr. Xiao?" Pictures of the night from the fire surfaced this time and bile rose in Zhan's throat. There were several pictures of Zhan in Yibo's embrace and every one of them made Zhan's heart pound harder in his chest.

RuoXi twirled the paperweight in her hand smiling so wide her cheeks hurt. Her eyes were locked onto her phone and seeing the amount of views and comments on her video, RuoXi couldn't contain the joy in her heart. Things were working out exactly how she had wanted them to. Within minutes her exclusive report had caused chaos in the country. Some people were claiming that it was sad that so many victims had suffered, some people were asking for Zhao Chen Wei to receive the worst punishment possible, and some people were blaming everything on Xiao Zhan. This was the response RuoXi had been aiming for and she was loving every second of it. There were hundreds and thousands of comments online against Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo. The Chengdu police officers hadn't escaped the heat either. Liu Haikuan had tried to stop it but the damage was already done. The news had spread around the country like wildfire and it seemed like all her efforts had come to fruition. Wang Yibo had humiliated her, it seemed like he was finally facing the consequences for it. Her phone rang and seeing the name flashing on her screen, RuoXi laughed lightly.

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