Chapter 24. Off the case...

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"Why don't you spend the night here?", came the sultry voice from behind him and he breathed through the revulsion that rose in him, not ready to blow his cover yet. The woman's fingers danced across the skin on his back and he had to clench his hands into fists to stop himself from grabbing the knife that was safely hidden in his jacket. Few things could gauge such a response from him but this woman...all he had to do was think about Luo RuoXi and all his organs seemed to want to burst. Pasting a smile on his face that made the woman on the bed melt, A-Si turned, leaning forward to drop a kiss on her shoulder. "I have to work." Pulling on his boxers, he reached for his pants only for RuoXi to grab onto them and hold them out of his reach. "You always give me the same excuse. Can't I change your mind?", she tried again and for a second he wondered if he could just snap her neck and be done with this day. It wouldn't hurt to kill the woman but A-Si had big plans for her. So, she had to live.. at least for a few more days. "Weren't you also working last night? Gathering information from that ex of yours?" A low laugh left the girl and she gave him his pants back, pulling the sheets to her chest.

"You sound sexy when you're jealous." He wasn't jealous, he wanted to clarify. It was just impossible for him to think of Wang Yibo and not burn with hatred. The man was trying to keep Zhan away from him. "I thought he was done with you. Why is he still giving you information?", he asked buttoning his shirt and hissing slightly when he felt the burn of the wounds on his back. The bitch had scratched him again. "That man will swallow nails before he utters a word regarding this case to me. My informant is someone else." He knew who her informant was. That spoiled piece of shit. "You won't ask who he is?", RuoXi inquired with a smile and he shrugged in ignorance done with the conversation. "It's of no interest to me." The girl smiled again as he pulled on his shoes. "This is why I like you. You aren't like the others." The seductive whisper made his skin crawl but then he thought of his Angel and there was carnal desire stamped on his face when she looked at him. "He works in the forensics department. Your suggestion of trying my hand and getting info out of someone who didn't like Yibo worked. I actually found someone." "Don't pull me into this. All I told you was that Wang Yibo had to have enemies. This was all you." The woman had the gall to look proud at that. She had betrayed the man she was seeing for four years without batting an eye. But, she wasn't entirely wrong. He knew how her mind worked. He had done his homework on her. All he had to do was say a few things here and there and she was doing everything according to his wishes.

"In fact, you won't believe it. There is a man who Wang Yibo hates so much that he tried to get him off the team. He is the Head Medical Examiner for the case. His name is Xiao Zhan. Gao Sheng said that the doctor is an obnoxious asshole. Orders him around all day and is extremely rude." A red haze seemed to surround his brain and he couldn't stop the glare he shot in Luo RuoXi's direction. "What did he say?" The woman didn't see the sinister look on his face and ignoring his dangerous tone, slid off the bed. "He told me that Xiao Zhan and Yibo don't see eye to eye. There is some bad blood between them but no one knows what happened between them. But, he said that Xiao Zhan is close with the Chief of the precinct and has access to all the confidential information. He will know more than anyone else. Maybe the doctor will be ready to talk." 

The mere thought of this woman near Xiao Zhan had his blood boiling. She wasn't worthy enough of breathing the same fucking air as his Angel. Seeing her choke on her blood was more tempting. "Anyways, tomorrow is a big day. Wang Yibo won't even know what hit him. He really shouldn't have messed with me." The woman's lips curved into a smile unaware of the raging anger that had consumed the man behind her. The phoenix eyes had gone cold, hard, and deadly with intent.  "Forget about him. Will you at least tell me where you're going? I don't know anything about you." His eyes were still screaming menace but he schooled his expression fast. "You like that you don't know a lot about me. Keeps the reporter in you interested. Once I satisfy your curiosity, you won't like me anymore." "I'll like you just fine", RuoXi whispered pulling him in for a kiss but he turned away at the last moment, giving her his cheek instead. He did that every time she tried to kiss him. The woman just didn't seem to understand he didn't want her lips on his. He didn't want anyone's lips on him. Only Zhan's. Sometimes, if he closed his eyes he could feel those sweet lips pressed onto his own. God, what he wouldn't give to taste those lips again. The thought had him hardening in his pants and the need to see his Angel overpowered everything else. Without saying a word, he grabbed his jacket, the familiar weight of it easing him. The detective had tried his best to hide his Angel away. Too bad, the Death Angel was always a step ahead of him.

Love Me To Death..Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ