Chapter 20. He was here...

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Yibo's car came to a screeching halt in front of his house and the detective got out of the vehicle scowling, his features contorting with fury at the scene before his eyes. "Did someone die, Luo Ruoxi? Is that why you've been calling me incessantly for the past hour?"  "You weren't answering, Yibo. I just wanted to talk to you."  "So you went to the precinct and created a scene there too? You knew the reporters are camping around that place. They were taking pictures! Haven't you already done enough? What more do you want?"   "Calm down, Bobo."  "You better have a good reason for this, Luo RuoXi", Yibo warned and the only response he got was the same sweet, wide, fake smile she always threw his way. "Why the hell are you here?" "Can't I visit an old friend? I missed you and I wanted to see you. Why are you being so mean, Bobo?", the woman countered only for Yibo to glare at her. "We aren't friends, RuoXi. And you know damn well why I am acting this way. You are not welcome here. Leave." 

For a second, anger took over the woman's features and if Yibo didn't spend most of his day observing people and uncovering their secrets, he would've missed it. RuoXi smiled at him again but this time, it was a strained one. "We are more than friends, Yibo. I love you. I hate what has happened to us. We were good together and now...I want to make amends. I want to fix this, baby."  "There's nothing to fix", bit out Yibo walking away from the woman but stopped when an arm curled around his biceps. "Don't, RuoXi."  "We were getting along fine for the last few years, Yibo. We like each other's company. We supported each other for so long. I know you don't love me but I do love you, Yibo. With all my heart. Please, Yibo. I'll do anything you say. But, please talk to me. Don't push me away. I care about you."  "Really, RuoXi?", Yibo scoffed and when he looked at RuoXi this time, the woman cautiously took a step back. The glacial look on Yibo's face made her uneasy and she was now second-guessing her decision of coming to Yibo's house.

"You used my name and took all those interviews unauthorized knowing all too well what would happen to me if things blew up. You harassed the victims' families and pinned all of that on me! You don't care about me, XiXi. You only care about yourself. Your career, your name, your's all about you."  "No. Yibo, that's not what happened. Please, understand." "I guess you really needed that promotion, RuoXi. That news turned you famous overnight. You have appeared for a hell lot of interviews since that news was released. So, now what? Do you need more information on the Death Angel? Do you need insights on the other cases I am handling? Is that why you are here? Trying to fix things?"  Yibo wiped a hand down his face and leveled RuoXi with a hard stare, pointing a finger in her face not giving her a chance to talk.

"This is over, RuoXi. Completely fucking over. I don't want to talk to you, don't want to see you, and definitely do not want "fix" things between us. You betrayed me, RuoXi. You used me. That's not what a partner does. Not what a friend does. No matter what happened between us I never disrespected you, I never mistreated you. But, you..." Yibo's words died on his tongue and the detective placed his hands on his waist, his features turning dark with every passing second. "I've had the worst day of my entire life, Ms. Luo. I don't need this shit on top of it all. I have enough to worry about on my own. Please, walk away and don't ever come back here. Next time, I'll have the security haul you out of here. Leave."  Yibo's phone lit up and the detective immediately tapped on his screen. His features instantly lost their edge and Yibo's shoulders dropped in what RuoXi thought was relief. It also made RuoXi anxious.

"Are you seeing someone else, Wang Yibo?" The words came out harsher than she wanted them to and dark, furious eyes focused on her. "Leave, RuoXi. Do not ever come back here and unless someone's life is on the line, don't call me. Consider this my last warning to you." With those words, the detective sauntered away and RuoXi was left alone in that biting cold, brimming with anger. "You shouldn't have refused me, Wang Yibo. You really shouldn't have. I'll find out who it is. And I'll make them pay for taking away what's mine."

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