Chapter 40. Time's up...

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Sitting in the small restaurant, no one questioned why A-Si's eyes were pinned to the end of the street. People were chatting around, laughing as they ate and no one was aware of the predator that sat among them. Zhao Chen Wei's face had been plastered over the TV screens, there were all sorts of people telling the world of his "crimes" and demanding that he die to pay for them. Honestly, A-Si thought things were getting a bit dramatic. It wasn't like the people that he had killed were kind souls. They were all rotten to their cores and seeing them being painted as pitiful and helpless made A-Si smile at the hypocrisy of it all. Everyone was pretending to be righteous as they demanded that he be killed just like the others. It made him curious. If he had been in his hoodie and jeans with a mask over his face everyone would have recognised him today. Would they run out of fear? Would they scream and beg? Would someone be brave enough to step forth and try to catch him? The possibilities running through his head had the Death Angel smiling. This was what he liked best about being in disguise. A slight change in his hair, his eyes, and his clothes and he was an entirely different person. He could roam free, and be close to his Zhan-Zhan. No one knew the real him. No one. And there was only a single soul in this entire universe A-Si wanted to show his true self to. There was only one person who could accept his darkness and light up his world. So, A-Si couldn't stay away. All those officers patrolling the street had no idea he was right under their noses. They had underestimated him. Did they really think that seeing them moving about and guarding his Angel would deter him? Were they thinking he was in hiding now that they were out for him? Did they think they could keep him away from Xiao Zhan, the one person who was his everything? If they did, they were downright insane. Even more than him.

A-Si smiled inwardly knowing that he was closer to his Zhan than these people could ever imagine. The thought of Xiao Zhan had Zhao Chen Wei smiling but the longer he stared at the house at the end of the street, the brighter the anger glinted in his phoenix eyes. Three days had passed. Three days since their last meeting. Three days since he had seen his Zhan-Zhan...touched him. It had also been three days of his Angel blatantly defying him. Zhan should have taken his words seriously. His Angel should have stayed away from that detective like A-Si had asked him to. Jealousy burned in Zhao Chen Wei's gut as he stared at Yibo's house. Zhan was behind those closed doors all this time with that man. Wang Yibo was taking care of Xiao Zhan. Touching him, caring for him, breathing the same air as him and the thoughts of his Angel being in someone else's arms had kept A-Si awake for days. His hands clenched into fists as the image of Yibo kissing his Zhan flashed in his head. That night, illuminated by the flames his Zhan-Zhan had looked perfect. His eyes wide with fear, his body trembling slightly, he was breathtaking. Knowing that A-Si had instilled himself so deep in his Angel's head had the man smiling wide. Everything was perfect, initially. Gao Sheng had paid for his deeds, his Angel had been so perfect in his arms but just as A-Si was on the ninth cloud the detective had come barrelling through the crowd. Had kissed Xiao Zhan right in front of his eyes. Fury like never before had coiled in his gut but A-Si had been forced to stay hidden behind the sea of people. He had to watch his Angel in someone else's arms and suffer alone.

Xiao Zhan had made a mistake by letting Wang Yibo get close. Since it was his Zhan-Zhan 's first mistake A-Si could let it slide. But, his Angel had to learn his lesson. A-Si had to show his Angel what happened when he was defied. He needed to show his Angel that he belonged to A-Si alone. There was no one else for him. A-Si realized he needed to eliminate that detective as soon as possible. At first, he had thought of toying with Wang Yibo but he couldn't wait any longer. Since he was the one thing standing between A-Si and what he wanted most, Wang Yibo needed to die. Taking the ID he always carried with him out of his pocket Zhao Chen Wei stroked his Angel's face. "Time's up, baobei. I am coming for you." Paying for his meal, A-Si stood up from his seat and even smiled at the waitress. He made his way to the door and had almost stepped out when the call of his Angel's name had him stopping. The Death Angel turned around with narrowed eyes and stared at the TV screen. It wasn't just him. Everyone in the small crowded space had turned to watch the woman on the television. Every word being spoken had A-Si's blood boiling, making his skin crawl. Rage spiked his blood and he had to bite his lip from cursing out loud. He had made a mistake. A fatal mistake and now he had to fix it. The good thing was he knew exactly how to do it. With a sinister smile on his lips, the Death Angel stepped out of the door his fingers curling around the hilt of the knife in his coat.

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