Chapter 26. What is wrong with you???

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Chen Haoqing didn't bother to knock on the door, swinging it right open and the sight that met him had him glowering. Wang Yibo sat behind his desk appearing busy with his work, numerous files scattered on his desk and the sight made Haoqing's blood boil. "The fuck do you think you're doing?", he boomed slamming the door shut behind him, stalking towards the detective's desk. "Something wrong with your eyes, Detective Chen? I am working."  "We both know I am not talking about that. Why the fuck are you sitting here all nonchalant when there's a killer out to hurt Zhan-ge? Why did you let them kick you off the team? Seriously, Wang Yibo. I thought you cared about Zhan-ge. How can you be at ease knowing the killer is still out there?"  "And how exactly do you propose I stay on this team when your dear cousin is gunning for me?", Yibo bit icily and Haoqing went silent. "You and your Cong-gege never wanted me on this case to begin with so, congratulations, Chen Haoqing. You finally got what you wanted."  "I never wanted you off the case, Wang Yibo", Haoqing hissed and the words made Yibo give him a dark look. "You didn't?" The young detective chuckled darkly and something in that unhinged laughter had Haoqing's spine stiffening.

"When you first joined the team, you deliberately had me running around in circles while Feng Cong gave you information under the table. You accused me of helping the Death Angel. Of being the Death Angel. You made others question my father and my brother. Every step of the way you were out there being a fucking pain in my ass! And you say you didn't want me off this case?", Yibo laughed again and Haoqing had to clench his jaw to stop himself from saying something in his defense because Wang Yibo was saying the truth. Haoqing had been been a grade-A asshole. "When you joined the team this time, I was hoping for things to be different. I thought you had no dirty tricks up your sleeve but I think I was wrong. Did you put Feng Cong up to this, Haoqing? Did you leak the information to set me up? At least be a man and admit it!"  "I. Didn't. Do. It", Haoqing stressed but Yibo still had a look of disbelief in his eyes and the detective waved a hand in the air telling Haoqing to leave. "You can coordinate with Yuxi and Haoxuan if you have anything to discuss, Detective Chen", Yibo remarked without even glancing at the man and Haoqing took in a deep breath. He needed to keep his head straight. Their pissing contest could happen another day. Catching the Death Angel was the priority now and for that Yibo had to be on his side.

"I didn't do it, Wang Yibo. I have given you no reason to trust me. I know I was an asshole back then. I have no excuse for what I did. But, Seriously Yibo, I wasn't behind this. I had no idea Feng Cong was planning this. You can't give this investigation up. That man has to be caught before he hurts someone else. Before he hurts..."  Haoqing didn't say the name out loud but a look at Yibo made him realize that Yibo understood. "Zhao Wen Jun is here. The man is tight-lipped and I feel it won't be easy to get answers from him. We need to get into his head and find out what is going on. We need someone who will ask the right questions, Wang Yibo." Yibo stared at the man before him and sighed as placed his elbows on his desk. "They want me off the case, Haoqing. I can't defy direct orders. I can't help you."  "So, that's it? You'll give up?", came Haoqing's question with a bewildered look on his face and Yibo looked away. The lack of response from Yibo had Haoqing shaking his head in disappointment, his face twisting with disgust.

"Even though we never saw eye to eye, I admired you for being the officer you were, Yibo. You never cared about politics. Your only job was to catch monsters like this killer and you did it well. But, seems like that fire is no longer in you. You aren't the officer you were before, Detective Wang." Yibo's face was carefully blank, not a speck of guilt or shame on his face, and anger radiated through Haoqing. "What happened to you, Wang Yibo?", Haoqing asked taunting Yibo but the man kept on staring at him unblinkingly, giving none of his emotions away something that only got Haoqing more riled up. "Fine. Bury yourself in your paperwork, and pretend that you are actually doing something to help the people. We'll catch him on our own", began the man boldly glaring coldly at Yibo. "Whether you are on this team or not, we'll catch him. I won't let that man get his hands on anyone else", announced Haoqing and saw Yibo open the drawer to his right, and thumb through the papers in his hand. Haoqing wasn't sure why but he lost his composure completely, rounding Yibo's desk and fisting his collar. It could be his disappointment towards Yibo or his fear for Xiao Zhan but Haoqing succumbed to his emotions. "The fuck is wrong with you, Wang Yibo!!!", Haoqing bellowed shaking Yibo and Yibo narrowly missed the fist that swung his way.

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