Chapter 9. Do you remember?

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"It's going to be difficult but I'll see what I can do", said Haikuan to the person he was speaking to on his phone while Wang Yibo stood in his senior's office with his hands at his sides. "Sure. Let me know. Alright."  Yibo moved then seating himself in one of the chairs folding his hands over the desk. "What did you guys find?", the senior questioned and Yibo began speaking. "We followed the lead and found two doctors, Dr. Xu YiTian and Dr. Qinyang the victims contacted. We will question them both. We'll see how that works out."  "Good. Get this done as soon as possible. Anything else standing out?"  "Nope. Not yet. I talked to the victims' families. Zhao Rui Peng and Xu YouYou were seeing Xu YiTian while the other victims didn't tell anyone if they were seeing a specialist. Xiao Ming was a single mother and her mother told us she had postpartum depression but she was not seeing a doctor." 

"What about the medication then?", the senior enquired and Yibo's voice was firm as he answered. "The woman she worked for gave her Dr. Qinyang's number. She went to see the doctor but never spoke of it again."  "Now, it does make sense. The killer preyed on psychologically vulnerable people which was why he managed to get past their defences. These people didn't even know who he was. They could have thought he was a friend but... Anyways, dig deeper. Let me know if you hit a road block. This is the first time we have learned something new and have a lead to work with. It has just been a week and you guys have taken a step forward. This is a good thing."  "It was Xiao Zhan", the words were soft but Haikuan caught them and gave the younger man a smile. "See why I told you I needed him on your team? Zhan has an impeccable record, Yibo. He is good at what he does. That's the kind of people you need working with you." Yibo's jaw clenched at the name and Haikuan let out a sigh. "Can't you let it go, Bobo? You cared about him so much." As soon as the words were out, Haikuan realised he had made a mistake. The arctic gaze of his cousin almost froze him and Haikuan had to raise his hands in the air as a sign of surrendering before Yibo got any angrier. "Fine. Deal with it your way. Get to work."

"Officer Yuxi, I'll question Dr. Qinyang. You and Yubin go see Dr. Xu YiTian. I'll meet you at the conference hall when I come back. Jiyang!!", Yibo called and saw the young doctor come his way, wiping his nose on a tissue.  "What's wrong with you?"  "Caught a cold." The man sneezed again and covered his face with a mask immediately. "Why did you call me?",the young doctor asked and Yibo let out a sigh knowing he had a problem on his hands now. "I was going to question the doctor. All that medical language they speak would go over my head so I thought I'll take you with me. But,now I don't think I can. You obviously need rest."  Yibo saw an apology in Jiyang's eyes and told the younger man to take a leave thinking he would have to do the task alone. "Take Zhan, why don't you?" , suggested Yuxi and Yibo stared at the officer as if he had grown two heads. A resolute no was on his lips but another voice came. "Where is he taking me?", said Zhan coming towards them and instantly Yibo was hit by the cologne the elder wore and his body came alive. Yibo still hadn't been able to figure out how the hell the other man managed to smell that way every fucking second of the day. Like a walking dream. Whenever Xiao Zhan passed by him or entered the room, that scent would waft in the air and all the blood in Yibo's body ran south.

"Wang Yibo is going to see one of the psychiatrists. Wu Heng is already there waiting for me. Jiyang is sick so you need go with him."  "No need. I'll manage", said Yibo and a dark eyebrow arched in his direction, Zhan's eyes glinting with amusement. "The moment that doctor starts taking names of the thousand disorders she treats, you'll be ready to crawl out of your skin. It won't be a waste of time. I'll even save you some time which you were going to waste on searching for the scientific terms. I'll ask the questions and you do what you do best. Observe. Read her." The offer was too good to pass on so Yibo had no idea why he hesitated. 'You are hesitating because you'll be alone with him the entire ride. You fear you'll break", came a voice from inside him and Yibo cursed himself for being a weak bastard. He needed to get a grip on himself. "Fine. I'll get the car."   Minutes later, both men were fastening their seatbelts. 

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