So he thought something had happened to Consort Fu and sent his eunuch after him, but something in his heart told him it was not him but someone else.

Someone he had been waiting for since birth that was finally here. He had the urge to look for this person and take
him in his arms so he couldn't escape but the moment he got up from his throne the door opened and Consort Fu entered the room.

Consort Fu strode to him and bowed slightly before rushing to his side and hugging his arm.

Emperor Feng does not know why, but he did not like the feeling of being touched by him as he did in the past, nor did his heart beat faster.

All he felt at this moment was disgust and the urge to kill this person who dared touch him except his baby.

'Only my baby may touch me!' thought Emperor Feng and wanted to push Consort Fu off him, but when he realised what he had just thought, he abruptly interrupted his plan.

'Who is this baby?' he thought, searching his memories for someone called Baby, but he could find no such person and his mood worsened.

"Consort Fu, you are brave. Who gave you permission to touch this emperor? Let us go before we send you to your death." Emperor Feng threatened, frightening the confused Consort Fu and the surrounding servants and eunuch’s.

Consort Fu let go of the Emperor's arm and took two steps back.

'System, what's wrong with him?' he asked his system uncertainly. He had gone through a lot of trouble to get the Emperor to like him and now, after he had succeeded and they had been happy together for a short while, he was threatening him out of nowhere.

[I don't know. I'm not capable of reading minds. You have to find out for yourself.] said the system in its cold robotic voice.

Gritting his teeth, he bowed his head down and held his clothes tightly in a fist.

"What is it, your majesty? Has this concubine done something wrong? If so, this concubine apologies. The Emperor know himself that this concubine is not yet fully acquainted with the etiquette of the high and mighty," he said sadly and mocking himself, but inside he knew that the Emperor would soften upon hearing this.

But unfortunately for him, his majesty didn't even look at him, he turned and walked firmly to his throne where he sat down.

"It is nothing. Leave the throne room. Zhen is occupied." the Emperor Feng said coldly and concentrated on his work.

Shocked, Consort Fu looked up and saw with his own eyes how the Emperor coldly ignored him.

Furious, he walked out of the hall and marched with long strides to his chambers.

After this incident, a rumour spread through the palace that Consort Fu had fallen out of favour with the Emperor.

Many court officers and concubines were shocked because it was the king who brought Consort Fu to the harem. Since then he has not visited other concubine's chambers, only Consort Fu's, and now to hear that Consort Fu is no longer under the Emperor's favour made them happy but also sceptical.


“Do you really think his majesty stopped favouring Consort Fu?” a concubine asked the others.

"Perhaps Consort Fu did something which displease the emperor that’s why he fell out of favour?”

“Ever since this Majesty brought him to the harem, he does whatever he wants. Now that he no longer has the emperor’s protection, he won’t dare to do something!” said a concubine offended.

They have all felt how vicious Consort Fu maybe when someone offends him in any ways.

"I don't think he fell out of the emperor's favour. If he had, why didn't the emperor take away his rank and make him a concubine? You all know how much the emperor loves him. I am sure that they will be together again after a few days."

"You are right. I suggest you watch how you behave in front of Consort Fu."

The group of concubines talked while strolling around the garden. One of Consort Fu's servants overheard them and ran back to tell his master.

When Consort Fu found out that they were all talking like that behind his back, he was angry. He took a piece of silver and threw it to the servant who gave him the information.

"Here, now get out."

The servant bowed and thanked Consort Fu.

"This slave thanks the consort."

After the servant left, Fu Xi went berserk. He smashed all the things from his table on the floor and shouted loudly in anger.

"Ahhhh, who do they think they are to talk behind my back like that?"

The other servants who were still in the room just knelt down and did nothing, as they were already used to Consort Fu reacting like this when he was angry.

He may pretend to be nice and innocent in front of the emperor, but in reality he is evil. He whips the servants out of boredom or if they have made the slightest mistake, if a concubine talks back to him or does something he doesn't like he kills the person without batting an eyelid but so that they don't find out that it was his fault.

"Prepare the carriage. This consort will visit Concubine Li," Fu Xi said after he had calmed down a bit.

He had planned to go back to Emperor Feng tomorrow to see if he really didn't like him any more, but now he needed something to calm down and satisfy his anger, and the best way to do that was to visit Concubine Li.

When they arrived at the abandoned Cold Palace they could feel a bad aura that gave them shivers.

Consort Fu marched in and saw Concubine Li still unconscious on the
floor where he had left him.

"Bring cold water here and pour it on his head," he said, sitting down on a chair that one of his servants had just brought.

A short time later, a servant came back with the cold water in his hand and poured it over concubine Li's head.

A/N: hello there✌🏽 long time no see.
So, I didn't post for a long time because of many reasons one of them being my lazy ass, the others are that I didn't really wanna post this world as I wasn't sure if I wrote it the right way as I have never written an Arc about ancient china. I do not know much about it and the way they spoke or their culture that's why I wasn't really sure if I should post it. But this Arc is my soul as I have put blood sweat and tears in it. Another reason is that I have gotten many ideas for other Arc's and I wasn't sure which one I should post first. But I didn't even start writing a chapter on those so, no hopes given.
But here I am, hope you like it.🤭


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