Chapter Ten ❤️❤️❤️

Start from the beginning

"Well to be fair I took her out for Ice cream and a book, and look how that turned out." Henry laughs and nods his head.

"Mrs. Spellibody, I should have known." Regina steps forward.

"We shouldn't even waste our time. She's one of her little Monkey minions anyway." Emma goes to stick up for her but Henry beats her to it.

"But she's not, Mom! You don't know her like I do." Regina smiles sadly down at her son.

"You know what she wants you to." This infuriates Henry. He knew her better than anyone else, even if she didn't tell him the full truth, how could she? That's not just something you can tell a normal person.

"I know her better, than she probably knows herself." Henry says completely serious. "And I'm not leaving her to die. With or without you, I'm saving her." He says as Regina stands there dumbfounded.

"I agree with Henry, I've never met this-" Mary Margaret starts but realises she doesn't know the girl's name.

"Nora." Emma says as Mary-Margaret nods determinedly.

"Nora, but we don't leave anyone to die." She finishes as David comes to her side and Regina rubs her forehead.

"Fine, but if this comes back to bite us it's on you three." Regina says as Henry smiles at her.

"Thanks, mom." He said to her, genuinely meaning it.

After regrouping, they headed out to the forest where Henry said he saw her fly off to. As they start to walk deeper in they hear a cry pierce through the foliage. Henry didn't have to guess who's mouth it excaped from.

"Nora." He breaths out, his eyes going wide his heart beat picking up. He goes to take off, but Emma grabs him by the collar.

"I don't think so kid. We are finding her together, and we definitely are going to run into a situation we don't know." The others agree and Henry huffs, asking them to at least pick up the pace. A few seconds later they hear another scream of agony and a hysterical laugh from none other than Zelena. Henry can't stand it. Every one of her cries of pain are like a punch in stomach and he's done with walking. Taking off in a sprint, this time not being caught, they all yell after him. Henry doesn't care. All he can think about is saving Nora. This was all his fault, and it was up to him to fix it. Ducking between trees, Emma, Regina, Mary-Margaret, David, and Killian chasing after him, all he knew was he had to get to her. The faster he pushed, the closer he got, the louder her screams became, and he could start to make out Zelena's taunts.

"Worthless, Useless, Spineless child!"
"Why don't you let me know how much this hurts."
"Don't you wish your little boyfriend died now?"

"Oh wait he hates you!" Zelena laughs. Henry shook his head. He could hear his mom's and every one else yelling after him but he didn't care. He could also hear, Nora. He was so close, he could feel her pain rolling through the forest in waves. A few moments later he pushed through some shrubbery to see her, Nora. She is bruised and bloody, tied to a tree. Her head limp, like she can't bare to hold it up. Her long hair is knotted and matted with blood. Her clothes are torn, and her left wrist is twisted the complete wrong way. Not to mention a few fingers on her right hand look like they were bent in directions they shouldn't be. Zelena doesn't seem to notice him and he looks at her from actoss the way in complete and utter disbelief. Only seconds pass but it feels like eternity as she looks up, just knowing he was there. Their eyes lock. He expected her eyes to told pain and desperation but it's like when she saw him on the other side of that clearing, all of that didn't matter. Nora's eyes just held happiness that he was there, a little disbelief maybe. After all how could anyone want to save her. She smiles at him from across the way, tears trickling down her cheeks and onto her lips. Henry can't believe how strong of a person she is. Even being tortured she smiled at him, because that's just who Nora is.

"Nora!" He calls out in desperation, as he starts to run towards her, but Zelena is having none of that. She sends him flying back, hitting a tree trunk.

"HENRY!" Nora shrieks, struggling more in her ropes than she ever had before. Zelena heads towards him smirking.

"Come here to save your little girlfriend then?" She asks as she picks him up off the ground, with a sneer.

"You can't kill her, I'm here to stop you." Henry says, in a determined voice.

"And what are you going to do? You can't save someone when you're dead." With that she wraps her hands around his neck for the second time that day and squeezes. Nora's eyes go wide and she screams.


Kay so cliff hanger! XD Don't maim me or murder me please! I have the next part already written but you know I could use some motivation to post it ;) ;) -nudge nudge- Sooo comment your opinions on stuff that's happened, vote up, star, share it with all the people XD Because if you do that I will love you forever- I already do- but you know forever and stuff! Anyway read on, flying fans!
Claire and Alona

Lonely Hearts Fall The Hardest *Henry Mills Love Story*Where stories live. Discover now