Chapter 6✨

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The warmth of the sun shining on my face wakes me up. I rub the sleep for my eyes and sat up in bed. My pacifier slips out of my mouth and quickly I replace. Mommy wasn't sleeping next to me but I smelled bacon. She must be in the kitchen cooking breakfast for us. I look at the clock on the night table. It's 10am. 10am Saturday I say to myself. I felt my diaper and it was not wet. I waited a few minutes to clear the sleep from my head. Mommy I called out. Mommy. I hear a voice in the hallway. Is the baby8finally awake? But it's not Cynthia's. It's a much younger girl's voice. I saw a shadow in the doorway. I couldn't see who it was because of the sun in my eyes. I tried to cover up as she came closer to the bed. But who ever it was grabbed the blanket and stopped me. Oh no you don't she said. You look so cute in your diaper and plastic pants. The girl sat on the bed next to me while pushing me back down on the pillow. The sun finally allows me to see that it is Amy. Cynthia's niece. The girl from the department store. Amy lends over to me puts her hands through my hair and said, "I guess the little baby is a fibber".

"I see now that I was right about whom those plastic pants were for and it wasn't your Grandpa". Amy lends back up and puts three fingers into my diaper to check to see if I was wet. I try to stop her and she slaps my hand and throws the blanket on the floor. Now let Aunt Amy check to see if you are wet she said. I' mortified, embarrassed and red faced. Aunt Amy I said? You are 5 years younger than me. That's not what Aunt Cynthia told me. You look soooooo cute in your diaper. Besides it's time for breakfast she said. Aunt Cynthia sent me in to get you. Now let's go eat numnum. Come with Aunt Amy. She reaches for my hand a pulls me out of bed. She has my hand as I stumble to follow her. Now hold my hand tight she said. Like I had a choice.

We go into the kitchen and Cynthia is at the stove all dressed in her white uniform. I said to myself.

"This can not be a good sign". Cynthia is cooking breakfast at the stove. She turns and sees me. She comes over to me and asked.

"How did my little baby sleep last night"? I looked at her then at Amy then back to her again. Well Cynthia said with a smile. I swallowed my pride and answered, Goo Goo Goo. Good boy she said. Amy bust out laughing. I thought she was going to pee in her panties. Amy! Cynthia said, "Don't laugh at you nephew".

"He was a very good boy yesterday" Cynthia smiled at me and winked as she went back to the stove. Amy, help the baby into his chair. Amy was still giggling as she helped me into the chair. As she was helping me into the chair and Cynthia wasn't looking I gave her a big wet raspberry. Put his bib on please, it's on the counter. Amy bent in front of me to put the bib on and whispered in my ear. I'll get you for that one you bad baby. OK Aunt Cynthia his bib is on. Can I feed him please? Yes, here is his dish. Now don't get him dirty. He had a nice bath last night and he is nice and clean.

Amy takes the dish from Cynthia and places it in front of me. Amy picks up the spoon and tried to feed me but I had the pacifier still in my mouth. I spit it out at her and said NO! I looked at Cynthia with a pouting face. OH look isn't he cute. His pouting. Now now Baby Jerry, Aunt Amy will feed you today. Mommy has to go to work this morning. TODAY I said to myself. My eyes are bugging out. Cynthia looks and me and reminds me of what would happened if I don't cooperate. I don't have a regular baby sitter so I called Amy. She will take care of you while I'm at work. I should be back by 3 and I expect you to do what ever Aunt Amy tells me to. Is that clear? Es mommy I replied. Amy is grinning from ear to ear. I know that I am in for it now.

When he is finished give him his bottle. There is juice in it this morning. I have to leave now if I am going to make it on time. You be a good baby or you know what will happen. Cynthia comes over and gives me a kiss on the forehead. Be good boy now. Amy started to feed me my eggs and bacon which was all chopped up in the dish. Cynthia tells Amy to make choo noises he likes that as she closes the door behind her.

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