"I'm okay, I'm just a bit upset. I was angry at first with the way she acted, but if I'm being honest, I'm more hurt at her words. She embarrassed me in front of everyone and she needs to know that it isn't okay to behave like that." I defended.

"I understand, I really do. She was oblivious this morning to what had gone on, so I had to tell her what had happened. She was devastated when she found out how she had acted towards you. She really does love you."

"She's got a funny way of showing it" I huffed.

"So.... What are you going to do?" Beth questioned.

I took a moment to think about my answer. I still have not decided yet as to how we can move forward with this.

"I really don't know. Of course, I love her. But it's like a repetitive cycle, Beth. I can't be in a relationship with someone who turns that way after a few drinks. It's like being with Jekyll and Hyde. When she's sober, she's perfect, the way she treats me, the way she speaks to me, and how she makes me feel, I couldn't wish for anything more. But then when she's had a drink, its like she switches into a person I don't know, and its certainly not the girl I fell in love with."

"Why don't you take a bit of time just to get yourself sorted, have a bit of space from one another?" Beth suggested.

"Yeah, I think you're right. I think I need a bit of space just to think about things properly."

"Are you going to stay together though?"

"I honestly don't know Beth. That's something I'm going to have to figure out myself."

The rest of the time was spent with much lighter conversation. Beth gave me a run-down on how hers and Viv's relationship was progressing, and we exchanged funny stories from our past.

As we said our goodbyes, I saw Beth out of the shop as I offered to stay behind to help Jade close. I decided the best thing to do was to keep myself busy as it would help to keep my mind off Leah and the drama we were currently being faced with.


A few days had past since the fall out with Leah, and I had still not replied to any of her calls or messages. I decided to take Beth's advice and to take some time to myself to conclude how I wanted to move forward. Did I want to be with Leah still, or would I be better off cutting the relationship now to avoid either of us getting hurt more than we already are.

Tonight, was our staff's night out. I have decided to reward my employees with a night out in London.

We would start off at a restaurant for a three-course meal and then would head out to the clubs. I'm not one for nightclubs and so I decided to leave it up to the others to determine where they wanted to go. My employees were a few years younger than myself, however we were able to maintain a good working balance between us and so this is a reward for all their hard work recently.

As our meal came to an end, the discussion on where we would be moving onto had begun. Which started a debate amongst the table as they struggled to decide on a place which would suit everyone.

In the end, Jade had the final say and so we collected our belongings before heading towards the taxis outside.

The nightclub Jade had chosen was rammed with people. You were unable to move without feeling as though you were being crushed against someone.

I rounded everyone at the bar and insisted we began with shots, after all, what is a night out with no shots?

The drinks began to flow freely, and I could see how relaxed everyone was becoming as they headed towards the dance floor. I on the other hand was the most sober out of the group, despite this being my idea, I felt as though I had the responsibility of ensuring everyone was okay.

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