My Little World (part 2)

Start from the beginning

He is a father and he can't neglect this responsibility specially when their mother is not around.. His sons were also changed a a days neither they demand for toys nor they asked for his time.. Most of the time they are quiet and deep in thoughts.. Every night before going to sleep they cry for Khushi.. Hearing door bells they ran to the door to see if their mother is here..They don't like to go out in fear what if Khushi comes and return not seeing them..Arnav noticed his sons started talking to Devi Maiyan every morning just like their mother used to do..they had only one prayers, their mother's return to them..

One night Arnav was seating alone in the pool side and looking at the stars praying for his Khushi's safety and her safe return to him, When Arush and Kurav came to him..Both hugged him from either side and he also took them to his embrace.. They have each other as their solace and that's all now they have..

'Papa are we so bad that mumma left us..' Kurav asked with tears and Arnav felt someone puts a sharp knife on his heart..

'No baby..You are not, you are mumma's good boy..' he paused and said with a shaking voice..'It's me, it's all my fault that your mumma is not here..'

'Papa please find mumma, please papa..I will never do any mischief, I will always listen to her and I will never throw away her food, I will never ask her to go away.. please Papa find her na, I promise I just want mumma nothing else..' Arush said with tears and Arnav got little confused with his statement..

He asked Arush did he ever ask Khushi to leave or said something bad to her and then they explained everything to him what happened on the night Khushi left.. Arnav sighed, now things are getting clearer for him why Khushi took such a drastic step.. She was totally heartbroken from getting rejected by her husband and children..he knows they are hers world and now he can understand how she must have been felt when her whole world pushed her away!!!

He holds his sons tightly and said looking at the sky..'Where are you Khushi?? Where are you..please come and see how much we are regretting..Please Khushi come back!!'

Days were passing and Arnav was trying to bring some normalcy into their life..Kids were going to school and he also joined office but their lives was far from normal..His daily routine were looking for her in the streets of Delhi, police informed him they were searching outside Delhi too but no luck..

They were just living for the sake of living and on the hope that one day they will find their reason of living..their happiness!!

One day Kurav wake up crying seeing a bad dream, his tears were not stopping as he dreamt Khushi is in pain and calling for him..Arnav tried to console him a lot and after lots of consolation he said..'Papa, mumma always says whenever we want something wholeheartedly we get that..aren't we wanting her wholeheartedly..why are we not getting her..'

Arnav didn't have any answers to his innocent questions..There was a time he used to believe he writes his own destiny and his destiny taught him several times that how wrong he reality nothing in his hand just like today!!

Every night Arnav made his sons sleep, they were small due to tiredness after demanding about their mother few times, they do sleep but he couldn't.. he only sleeps at wee hour...his empty room reminds him of her..How he used to listen to her non stop chatter in this room during initial days of their remarriage and then it's also remind him how badly he treated her in this same room after their first marriage..People say it right Karma is a real b****.. May be his karma is now punishing him for all the bad deeds he did with his selfless Khushi!!

He kept looking at the pictures hang on top of his bed..Khushi redecorated their room after their remarriage and the wall above their bed have proves of lots of their good memories..

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