Behind The Camera (Part 3)

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Khushi's eyes were swelling from non stop crying.. Her heart is paining like it will burst any moment..Though out of anger she uttered she will leave him but how will she stay without seeing him, how will she stay without talking to him,without his warmth..It's not unknown to her or anyone who knows her how madly she loves Arnav and she has no control over her heart or mind when the matter involves Arnav..

But, will he understand how hurt she is..what is she going through, she didn't ask for Divorce only because of today's fight or only for one incident..She asked for it because of constant pain she is feeling from long time..

Though her family accepted their marriage they never accepted it wholeheartedly.. In past 1 year she only visited her maternal home twice and both the times Arnav accompanied her as he was afraid they will treat her badly in his absence which also didn't go well with her family as they thought Arnav doesn't trust her with them..

Her father still looked at him as if he is a criminal and her whole neighborhood gossip about her for eloping with Arnav Singh Raizada.. Her friends started cutting her off as she no longer belong to them anymore..

Scenario was not different in Arnav's family.. Arnav doesn't have anyone rather than an elder sister Anjali and he always claims she is the most important person in his life.. Anjali is very famous cheograpier and married to a multimillionaire producer.. She never accepted her Chote's choice and till now behaved with her as if she is the only one responsible for their sudden marriage.. she agrees she asked him to marry her but did she put him on gun point, no right??.. wasn't he the first one to approach her, wasn't he the one who gave her a dream of marriage, family and forever, then why she is the only one to be blamed..Anjali never talked to her unless it's not necessary, she thinks Khushi is a gold digger who trapped her innocent brother..

When after marriage they came to Mumbai Anjali didn't hesitate to voice out the fact how Arnav got married to someone like Khushi when his previous girlfriend was super model Lavanya..She even looked at Khushi suspiciously while asking Arnav, how come he got ready for marriage when he was strongly considering not to get married anytime soon.. She was extremely disappointed at Arnav for his sudden marriage but more than that she was disappointed over the fact that Arnav chose someone without her approval..Arnav asked sorry for hurting Anjali's feelings but he also said that today or few years later he would have been married to Khushi only,so why not now..though the siblings patched up in no time, Khushi never got any space in Anjali's life.. She even avoid her during any gatherings..

After almost 1 month of their marriage Arnav arranged a lavish wedding reception for them and Khushi's family also attended the function.. when her mother and aunt tried to talk to Anjali, their intention was nothing but to get friendly with their daughters in-laws, she royally ignored them and also laughed with Lavanya when she made a remark about their dressing sense..Khushi felt humiliated and when she pointed that to Arnav, he dismissed her saying Di is very hurt as he took such a big decision without even informing her.. She will come along eventually, which never happened.. Even after their first Diwali Arnav and Khushi threw a party with both the families and some close friends, there also Anjali ignored her and her family like they are not worthy of being her relatives..

She feels guilty,extremely guilty for putting her family through this.. She regrets her selfish act but she didn't have any option at that time..She only wanted to intact her fairy tale with everything she has..She didn't see anything at that time rather than Arnav and she was ready to pay any price if it can ensure Arnav's permanent presence in her life.. So, she did what she thought is the best option..She got married to him to glue him permanently with her..But does marriage really promise a forever??!!

She became Mrs. ASR over night and camera's started following her everywhere.. newspapers started making assumptions regarding their sudden marriage..Though most of the news papers were praising the love between them, some were praising ASR for his big heart which allows a mere town girl in there.. as if he did a charity by marrying her..few gossip journalists went ahead and wrote ASR didn't have any option but to marry her, Khushi's family blackmailed him to marry her as she was caught being in a compromise position with him, some people started gossiping about her that may be she got pregnant and Arnav didn't have any option but to marry her..

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