Chapter 12- Roommates

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Istar was holding his necklace, twirling around the crystal as he stared at the ceiling. His hands stung since he hadn't put on the ointment but a part of him didn't mind so much; it was the purpose after all. It had already been a day since their slight suspension. Him and Mika didn't talk since then; although Mika was stuck inside the room at his desk while he was walking around the school.

Even now the sound of a pencil clacking on a desk to a paper was coming from below him. Istar turned over in his bed and looked down at Mika. He was sitting in one of the two desks with two notebooks side by side with one written fully and another in progress. He glanced at the full notebook seeing it reading "Magic" and notes that came under it.

"Yo," Istar decided to break the silence, "You taking notes?"


The quick blunt reply felt like a smack to his face, "Where did you get those from? Thought we can't go to class."

"Temma is letting me borrow them."

"Seems like one of us got friends." Istar turned back over and stared back at the ceiling. He knew that he had a friend, that being Polka, but it's been awhile since they had seen each other so he didn't fully understand if they still were, "Sorry, again, for yesterday."

The sound of his pencil was still going, "It's fine."

A sense of annoyance came with the blunt answer, "Let me make it up to you."

"No need for that."

"Come on, I fucked up, gotta make it right somehow."

"I said it's fine."




"You're not going to stop aren't you."

"Nope," Istar jumped down from his bed, "It's the way I was raised."

Mika sighed as he put his pencil down and closed his book. "So, what is your plan?"

"Well, you haven't ate right? I'm sure you don't want to eat the rotten stuff they give us cause of our ranks so wanna head to a cafe out of the school?"

"Do you even have the money for it?"

"Yeah, got a couple things to spare."

Mika sighed and walked towards the door, "I suppose a break is necessary once in a while."

"A break? Dude you've been coming to our room late and even then still up."

"That would also mean you're up as well."

Istar followed him out, "Yeah, fair enough."


The sun wasn't as strong as Istar thought it was. There were no clouds as they were walking on the bridge to the town. A small breeze was hitting them but maybe that was why the heat of the sun wasn't so painful. Istar looked back to see Mika loosening his tie along with whipping some sweat off of his forehead. Part of him did feel bad that he basically dragged him out but at the same time part of him didn't for the only fact that the guilt will leave.

As they left the ending steps of stairs, a dash of life hit the both of them. People were walking all around with their children, asking for food or candy or anything they wanted. Shops were opened all around with stands of vegetables, fruit, and multiple spices in jars from all sizes. Signs for taverns hung low and it was confusing for Istar to see what was a tavern or a shop.

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