Chapter 6-Showoffs.

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Istar was walking in the hallway next to his roommate. After Polka had helped him up, Mikazuki had gotten in class pretty late. Oga did what he did with the rest of them and tried to tear Mikazuki apart but unlike him, he was able to pass.

Right after that, another teacher, Arurandeisu, the school's Golem Maker, had come in trying to excuse Mikazuki from being late to class. A small little bicker came from them but other than that, Oga just told everyone to get with their roommates and start to go to Ground Aria. They were the last to leave the room as Mikazuki was still processing what had happened.

All Istar could do was pat Mikazuki on the shoulder only to acknowledge him in some way. Now thinking about it, that was probably the only time he ever talked to him. He took a look at him to see his face filled with worry of what's going on but before all Istar could see was the fear of everything and someone who was weak.

Now looking at him...Mikazuki was stronger than he was.

"Hey," Istar said to break the thick silence, "How did you know that Oga was using change magic?"

Mikazuki was startled at first but that went away as he said " a craftmage we are supposed to have a strong mental fortitude. We fail experiments and get frustrated at the end of all of them but we always continue to seek out answers and to finish what we started. If I let a little Change magic affect me...then I wouldn't be able to call myself a craftmage would I?"

He smiled nervously as Istar just stared at him and sighed. Patting his back, Istar replied to, "Yeah. You're pretty cool Mika."


"Well, we're gonna be roommates for a while aren't we? Might as well become friends." Istar gave a slight smile but inside of him was very embarrassed for saying such a thing like that.

"...yeah, yeah you're right."

The two went back to silence as they made their way to Ground Aria. Istar still thought about Oga using change magic on them. He didn't see the reason why to use it to change their emotions to get them all startled up. It felt like a big waste of time along with just wanting to force others to drop out to make his class easier.

But thinking about it to himself could only get him so far and well was useless over all. All he could think about was how Oga decided to bring up what had happened and the moment he snapped. Part of him was disappointed, another was still furious, but it wasn't towards anyone else but himself.

He took a heavy sigh and played with his necklace a little until they came across an open large wooden door. The two walked in to see all of their classmates and the two teachers standing next to the edges of the stone gray walls. The light was shining down above them as they had no roof but only the sun giving off light. Everyone was in groups of two as Oga and Arurandesiu talking to each other. Arurandesiu seemed like he wanted to cry as Oga seemed like he was being serious and cruel.

Istar saw Polka sitting on the edge but for the first time ever, she didn't respond to his slight wave. Instead, she only looked down at the ground before turning her head to a peach-haired girl. At first he was shocked, if this was like the usual times she would've ran up and tried to embarrass him or tease him about waving at first. Although with none of that happening he was surprised.

Taking a step to walk towards her, Oga yelled out and made Istar stop, "Alright everyone is here! This is Ground Aria, a place where today you are going to fight a Golem made by Arurandesui."

"Can we please be civil about this?!" Arurandesui begged Oga, "We can use another Golem that's been beaten and old and put it to use!"

"Oh? But tell me,"Oga grinned at the students, "What the fun in using something old and broken down than something more new and improved?"

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