15. *A Lil Long*

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It was about 2 in the morning when Hinata called Naruto for the 3rd time but he didn't answer.

'Um, hey. Is everything alright? You're not answering any of my calls and I'm really worried about you.'

She was pacing back & forth while constantly running 1 of her hands in her hair.
'Just call me back.'

She exhaled lightly after hanging up, looking at the call logs on her phone.

She called Sasuke & Naruto and it didn't make any sense that neither 1 of them weren't answering.

After putting her phone back on her nightstand she got back into the bed with her loves.

Shifting both of them on her chest as they slept peacefully. She had such a long day.
The next morning both the little boys were up, softly poking Hinata in the face.
Mommy wake up.
She must've been exhausted.

A gentle breeze blew through the open cracked window shuffling the curtains that hung.

The smell of rain made its way into the room.

Nimbostratus clouds covered the sky as light thunder began picking up over the large village. A slight shiver ran down Hinata's back before she felt the serene warmth around her.

Mommy must be really tired.
The small dark-haired child agreed with his best friend. She must've missed her bedtime.

Yusuke had a brilliant thought.
Hey I know how we can wake her up.

Boruto leaned up on his elbows a bit.
How? He curiously asked him.

Let's give her a bunch of kisses on her cheeks.

Both of the boys wasted no time planting sweet frantic kisses on Hinata.

Right away she felt them, slowly opening her orbs and seeing her loves. "Oh, my."

She leaned up and rested her back against the headboard as they still kissed her.
"I must've overslept..." Her head turned toward the alarm clock to see that it was 9:09 AM.

"I'm sorry for waking up so late, sweethearts." The little boys mushed their heads in her chest before standing up in her bed.

It's ok mommy.
Hinata's heart sped as she looked at Boruto.

Do we have to go to daycare today?
Yusuke asked her, distracting her from what Boruto called her, yet again.

She rubbed her eyes before answering.
"Yes, you do. Come on you two, it's time to brush our teeth."

Both of the little boys leaped off the bed and ran into the bathroom.

Being sure to pee & wash their hands, and standing on the footstool to grab both of their toothbrushes, along with the toothpaste.

This gave Hinata some time to check her phone. Instantly dissatisfied and disappointed at the fact that Sasuke nor Naruto called back.

But she did have a missed phone call from a familiar number, clicking on it to call it back before she even checked her voicemail.

"Hello, Mrs. Hinata."
The lady answered on the 3rd ring.
"Hello, is everything alright?" She responded.

"Yes, everything is." The sweet lady started.

The family he always wanted (Part 2)Where stories live. Discover now