Chapter 14

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It was supposed to be a normal Saturday afternoon in Kiyotaka's eyes.

Why is it not normal? Well, first things first, it must be noted that he and Hiyori have a little routine whenever it's Saturday or Sunday.

This 'routine' involved their meetups at the library every weekend. Once the two of them arrive at the place, they would find a table where they can sit in peace, gather a set of books, read them and have a meaningful discussion along the way.

Recently, the two have also begun to sneak in a bit of writing while they were here. Hiyori would continue to write for the story about the framed prince, while Kiyotaka would try to put mystery scenarios into words whenever he was struck with an idea or felt inspired.

It was ironic. He, a person of many talents and abilities, was trying to learn how to write properly as a hobby.

Maybe there are some things that the 'Masterpiece' of the White Room can't do in an instant.

Anyway, that routine of theirs wasn't exactly followed by one of them today.

Kiyotaka was in the midst of reading through a new set of novels that weren't mystery this time around. They were all novels by the popular American horror novel author Stephen King, which were recommended to him by Hiyori yesterday.

"The ending to this book is completely different to the other ones he's done," the young man said to himself as he finished reading the book entitled 'The Mist'. "I thought he'd go for a more depressing ending instead of an open-ended one."

Kiyotaka then closed the book and added it to the pile that he had already finished reading. Afterwards, he wrote down some details about the book that he found

"If I was the author, I would have put the main character in a situation that would cause him nothing but despair. Perhaps, after escaping that convenience store that they were in, he'd use the gun he had to kill everyone who was in the car with him, including his own son. He'd do so in order to spare them from being killed by the horrors of the mist and then sacrifice himself to it afterwards. However, while he waits for his demise, the mist would then dissipate into the air as soldiers, tanks, and trucks arrive at the scene to handle the situation. While the man stands there watching everything unfold, he would realize that his actions were for naught and that he killed his own son for nothing."

The young man found himself liking the little alternative ending that he had cooked up in his mind. Maybe he could use that for inspiration in writing longer drafts.

No, it's not because he preferred endings that would leave the reader in despair after reading it. He simply thought that it would fit the story's narrative.

"Now I'm feeling tempted to write that just to see the reaction on Hiyori's face. She always gets affected by tragic endings as if she's the character going through the problem—"

The young man was then cut off from his thoughts when he felt a sudden weight against his shoulder, causing him to turn his head in confusion.

He blinked in surprise upon seeing his companion snoring softly while leaning against his shoulder, having surrendered to the arms of sleep.

"Hiyori. Are you asleep?" he asked her.

No response from the girl.

"Hiyori, this is no place to be asleep in. The sun is about to go down," he told the girl, taking note of the ongoing sunset outside of the window.

Still, no response from the girl.

Kiyotaka thought for a moment, before he tried nudging her gently in an attempt to wake her up.

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