Chapter 8

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Horikita Suzune looked deep in thought as she ate through her lunch at the cafeteria. She was eating at a table with no one else around her, but that didn't bother the girl one bit.

Because of how she is, Horikita couldn't care less about people accompanying her at a lunch table. Even if she did care, she was too buried in her thoughts to complain.

"Three of our most useless classmates are now expelled. Right now, only Hirata-kun was displeased with the event and is still trying to process what happened. He has begun to ignore everyone around him, even those who want to comfort him."

If Hirata was a kind and gentle soul from the start of the school year, then he was the complete opposite of what he used to be now.

Gone was the boy who was a popular figure in the classroom due to his smile and kind nature. It was replaced by someone who was pushing away anyone who would try to help him. Whenever someone would try to talk to him, Hirata would tell them to leave him alone and continue to isolate himself from the class.

He even refused the help of his supposed girlfriend, Karuizawa Kei, which was strange because they were supposed to be in a relationship.

"However, I believe that in time, he'll be able to move on and accept the reality of the situation. Apart from Hirata-kun, no one else was greatly affected by their departure. Every girl in class hated those two perverts while no one liked Sudo-kun and his attitude. Suffice to say, we didn't lose anyone of value."

Suzune took a deep breath as she recounted those events that happened in the classroom. All in all, there was only one mishap created by the expulsion of three students and everything else was fine.

Despite this however, a single voice was haunting her mind... it was something that she couldn't stop thinking about for a few days now.

"You are an embarrassment, Suzune. How could you ever hope to reach Class-A with three of your classmates gone?

"Hmph. I'll reach Class-A, no matter what. You'll see for yourself, Nii-san."

"I'm already seeing it for myself. I see that you are still the same useless little sister that I left behind years ago. You don't even deserve to be in this school."

"You're wrong. I have changed! I'm not the same girl as I was back then! I came to this school so I can

"Reach me? How can you ever hope to achieve that when you can't even lead your own class to a better future? The school made no mistake putting you in Class-D. You're nothing but a defect in my eyes."

"I'm not..."

"Perhaps I need to remind you of the pain you used to feel in the past, Suzune."

The girl had reunited with her older brother, who was the current Student Council President, a few nights ago and to say it was a reunion gone wrong was an understatement.

She would have been in worse shape right now if not for Ayanokouji, who happened to be passing by when he saw her getting cornered and left in a vulnerable position by her own brother.

Ayanokouji saved her from being thrown to the ground by her brother, Horikita Manabu, when he grabbed the older teen's hand firmly. After a slight altercation between the two where Ayanokouji displayed some knowledge in fighting against another person, her brother left the scene while giving some parting words about trusting other people.

Horikita tried to get some answers from Ayanokouji afterwards, but he only greeted her with a simple 'Good night' before leaving as well, making her unable to satisfy her growing curiosity towards the young man.

The Angel from Another Class is Rotten, but I'm Interested in HerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant