Chapter 11

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Meanwhile, Hiyori had a thoughtful look on her face as she and Kiyotaka headed to the mall. She witnessed what had gone down between her friend and that girl earlier whom she could only assume was his classmate.

A while ago, Kiyotaka looked completely serious while talking to that girl, even if she wasn't close enough to hear what they were talking about clearly.

For a second, it even looked like he was angry about something.

It made her curious about what could have gotten him to be that way. Normally, Kiyotaka was cool, quiet, and reserved, so it was quite a surprise to see him so... different.

Because of that, she couldn't stop herself from satisfying her curiosity by asking for answers... even if it might be risky.

"What was going on between you and that girl earlier? She's your classmate, right?" she asked.

"Nothing of importance," he replied, shutting her down almost immediately.

Hiyori pouted and began to pull on his arm over and over in an attempt to convince him.

"Come on, I want to know," she whined.

Kiyotaka sighed and shook his head at her childish actions. For all her qualities, this girl had a lot of flaws too, but that's not a bad thing. It makes all of their interactions refreshing and the fact that he can witness this side of her made this worth it.

"It was nothing, Shiina. Horikita was just asking me pointless questions about our class. It was getting annoying, really. I'm actually glad you showed up just now. You saved me from having to deal with her," he explained.

"Horikita? She's the person that Kushida-san mentioned during our lunch a few days ago," she stated, remembering something from the very short conversation that they had with Kushida when she met the other girl for the first time.

"You actually remember such a minor detail about it?"

"Only her name," the girl chuckled. "What was she asking you? When I saw you two earlier, the discussion was getting serious. I'm sorry for interrupting so suddenly again."

"She was asking me stuff that I thought was too personal for me to answer. But, she didn't want to accept that and tried forcing an answer out of me. I couldn't have that."

"So that's why you seemed angry with her a while ago..."

While Kiyotaka wouldn't normally care about what others thought of him, Hiyori was different. This girl was his friend and she just happened to be at the wrong place at the wrong time when she saw him getting annoyed with Horikita.

"I'm sorry you had to see that," he said, feeling embarrassed about it even though he couldn't show it on his face.

Hiyori shook her head."No, it's fine. I'm just... surprised at seeing you angry. You're always so calm and reserved whenever I'm with you that seeing you getting angry with someone is really surprising."

"Well, I'm a normal guy. Of course I can get angry. It just takes a lot to get me to that point," he shrugged, feeling internally amused at the sheer irony of his words.

"That's true. I guess it would be more surprising if you can't get angry at all. It's natural for everyone to feel that way because it's a part of our emotional well-being."

"Enough about that, though. We're here to spend time together, not to talk about our problems with our classmates. Or is that not why we're going to the mall?"

"Fair enough," she giggled. "I was only curious about what you were discussing with her. But I find it odd that you're a bit eager to go there."

"As I have said, I just wanted to be away from Horikita, so I was glad that you showed up. This is simply my way of returning the favor."

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