Chapter 5

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"The three students who are below this line have failed the exam. In accordance with the rules, you three are no longer students of this school. It was only for a while, but I'm sure you three did your best."

Chabashira-sensei pointed to the three names on the poster that she taped to the board in front. The names were marked with a red circle, as if to show that they were at the point of no return.

The identities of those three students were none other than the so-called 'Idiot Trio' of Class-D...

"I don't want to get expelled! I still want to be here!"

...namely, Sudo Ken, Ike Kanji, and Yamauchi Haruki.

Ike failed two subjects, while Yamauchi flunked three of them. Both hung their heads in defeat and tears filled their eyes as reality began to sink in.

On the other hand, Sudo had the worst scores overall. Four of his exams received a failing grade and were the lowest among everyone's scores that can be easily noticed by anyone.

"This is insane!" Ike cried out with tears in his eyes. "Sensei, how did I fail? I got 38 in my English exam, that's way above the average!"

"Above the average? Did you even learn basic mathematics during your junior high school years?" Chabashira snapped back, sending the boy a cold glare.

The woman then pointed to the total scores of each Class-D student while continuing to glare at Ike.

"Take a look at everyone else's scores instead of only your own. If you take the average of everyone's total scores, you would get 40, and the scores you got on your English and History test were two numbers below that."

Following her instructions, a few students quickly went to work and calculated the class average using everyone's total scores.

Like what their teacher said, 40 was the answer that they got and apart from everyone else who were able to achieve that score, only the idiot trio were unable to reach it.

"If one or two people from this class had a lower score than what they had, then perhaps you three might have been saved," their teacher added.

"No way..."

"This is bullshit! I made sure to study even if I didn't want to!" Sudo yelled, slamming his fists on his desk out of frustration.

"I apologize, but your scores are as clear as daylight, unless one of you suddenly developed blindness. You three, as of today, are no longer students of this class and by extension, students of Advanced Nurturing High School."

Silence followed after that declaration, almost like it was a bomb that was unexpectedly dropped into their class. Nobody dared to say anything, because most of them were overtaken by pure shock that this was actually happening.

Not one, but three of their classmates were actually getting expelled.

"I can't be expelled! I haven't even gotten a hot girlfriend yet!" Yamauchi cried and held his head in his hands, thinking that all of this was just a nightmare and that he would wake up at any moment.

Chabashira folded her arms and took a deep breath to calm herself.

"Your student ID cards will be taken from you three later on. You won't actually be leaving until tomorrow, so you are free to stay in class if you wish. Perhaps you can use this time to say goodbye to your friends while you are still here."

"Sensei, is there any way to help them?" asked Hirata, not wanting to leave them to their fate.

"I'm sorry, Hirata. Rules are rules. Because they failed the midterm exams, they'll be expelled."

The Angel from Another Class is Rotten, but I'm Interested in HerOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora