"Prince Doran Martell and his brother Oberyn are gathering men for an uprising against me in favor of Prince Viserys Targaryen. It is not garnering enough attention as of now but soon, it will become a big issue." He nodded, looking very much frustrated and distressed. 

"What am I supposed to do with this?" She asked, waving the scroll around. Alright, she supposed that was a problem that her brother was facing but she truly had no idea why she needed to know of it. Especially now. 

"I have just come from a small council meeting to address this issue and the lords came up with a solution. One that I did not agree with at the time, but I find that I have changed my mind." He continued, his tone resigned to his decision. 

"What has this got to do with me?" She repeated, now dreading what he was about to say. 

"To quell the rebellion, an alliance must be made." Robert stated, meeting her gaze as his expression steeled. "An alliance through marriage." 

"Marriage? Whose marriage?" She questioned, putting down the piece of parchment.

He took a deep breath, preparing himself for her anger. "I am planning to forge an alliance with House Martell by marrying you to Oberyn Martell." 

For a moment, no one spoke. The air became tense with silence as the two siblings faced off, one of them frozen in disbelief and the other going through a stage of acceptance.

"You're insane. Completely insane." Cassandra shook her head, not able to utter another word at her brother's announcement. 

She was betrothed again? To the South this time, to an entirely different part of Westeros. Fate certainly loved to play its games. 

Somewhere in the far reaches of her mind, an image was conjured of familiar onyx eyes with underlying hints of mischief. Even now, the thought of seeing those eyes once again made her heart beat faster in her chest. 

Cassandra had thought of Oberyn Martell many times over the past year though her memory of him was always tainted with hurt as she recalled the last time they had seen each other. 

Never had she considered that she would ever have to marry him. Or even see him again. 

"Am I? You're causing enough trouble here as it is. I see it best for everyone." He challenged, daring her to question him. "I don't see why you're complaining. We both wish to marry someone else, someone we cannot have. You would be in the same situation as I am."

 It was not as if he wanted to marry the Lannister girl either. He did not want to do many things but now that he was king, it seemed that many expected so much from him.  

"This is different. You wish for me to uproot my entire life to the other side of the realm for what? To convince the Martells that you would be an acceptable ruler? How does that make any sense?" She opposed, aghast at his comparison.

As if their similarity was supposed to make her feel better about being betrothed without her consent once more.

"Dorne will be appeased if the sister of the king will be married to one of their own. From what I've heard you and Oberyn Martell are acquainted with one another. He will not be a complete stranger to you." He reasoned, already seeing it as the best option. 

He had heard from Ned in the past how the Dornish prince seemed enamored with his sister. Perhaps this would convince him to drop all hopes for an uprising. It also didn't hurt that it granted his sister's wish of being away from the capital. 

"And that makes it alright for you to send me away to marry him!? You refuse to send me home but you're willing to send me off to be married? To quell a rebellion? You can't just marry me off to whomever you please again." Cassandra raised her voice in protest. 

"Why can't I? I am responsible for you! I am your king!" He yelled, bringing his fist down on the table as his anger reached its peak. "You will do as I command!"

Cassandra closed her eyes, refusing to accept her situation. It was too much, far too much change when all she wanted was stability. 

How can she find such respite when she is to be shipped off to be a wife to a man she was certain despised her above all? 

Swallowing her pride, she reached out for both of his hands, pleading with him as a last resort, appealing to the older brother she once knew. "Robert, please. As your little sister, I am begging you. Please don't send me away. Not like this."

He looked at her for a long time, no doubt recalling all the times wherein she had pleaded with him. Every time, he had given in to her wishes but this was one thing he could never grant her. "This is the only way to keep the peace. No one wants to fight another war. I'm sorry, little doe."

She let go of his hands, turning away to hide the tears pooling in her eyes. Bitterness warred with sorrow within her chest. "When am I to leave?" 

"In two days' time." He answered shortly, having decided that having it done as soon as possible would minimize the damage that had been caused. 

The rebellion could be ended before it progresses any further and his future wife would not be able to exact some sort of revenge against his sister. 

She laughed bitterly. He had said that he was planning to refuse yet he had everything planned. It turns out war has made liars of them both. "You want me gone as soon as possible, huh? You won't even let me be here for your wedding."

"Cassandra, I'm doing what is best for you, for our family, for the realm. You know I have always wanted what is best for you. Please understand." He sighed, looking around at the scattered missives and quills on the floor. 

It was only hitting him then that after losing Lyanna and Ned, he would be losing her too. Losing her by his own actions. 

"What a sacrifice it must be for you then. I have always understood, Robert. Everything you have done, I have tried so hard to understand." She murmured, embracing him softly. "I wish you a happy marriage, brother. Both you and your bride." 

 She had always wanted to be there for her brother yet what could she do when he was the one sending her away? 

She took a step back from him before turning on her heel and making her way out of the room. It was not as if there was anything else she could or wanted to say to him. 

She still had unfinished business in Flea Bottom, things to pack, and people to say goodbye to. Two days was not enough for it all. 

Robert tried to reach for her but she slipped out of his grasp, her hand already on the door. "Little doe-"

Cassandra tried to school her face into a stoic expression but a traitorous tear slipped from her eyes as she looked at her brother one last time. 

A final goodbye for they might not be seeing each other for a very long time. If they would even be able to see each other again one day. 

"I hope you have a happy life, brother. That is all I have ever wanted for you." 

Before Robert could say anything else, she was gone. 


Hello everyone! This is the end of Act I and we will be heading to Dorne soon!! 

I've got so much planned for the Dorne storyline and I want to thank you all for your support for this book :>> Stay tuned and sending you all my love <3!!

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