Chapter 19 A Matter of Family

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As soon as Izuku had laid Jasmine down on her bed he then walked out of her room and back down to the cave immediately before Shota were to come home and spot him in his Batsuit, when he walked over to the Batcomputer he saw that Melissa looked nervous and stopped Infront of her. She then took a few deep breaths in and out and calmed herself down.

Melissa: Promise not to leave me?

Izuku: Of Course I won't leave you, I promise

Melissa: Promise not to run off or get mad

Izuku: I promise, Melissa what's wrong

Melissa: Ok ok, look I know it's gonna be difficult for you to understand this but. I'm pregnant

Izuku Can you repeat that one more time so I can make sure I heard you correctly

Melissa: I said I'm pregnant

Izuku smiled and hugged her, Melissa hugged him back as Izuku held her close to him.

Melissa: So your not mad?

Izuku: Of Course not, why would I be

Melissa: I just thought you would be upset

Izuku: Of Course not as long as its mine and you didn't sleep with another guy I won't be mad

Melissa: What!?!? I didn't sleep with another guy, I only slept with you I swear!

Izuku: Calm down I was just making sure, Do you know how long have you been pregnant

Melissa: I don't know yet, I have to go get an ultrasound in the morning and I want you to come with me. But I know you won't be able to because you'll be too busy with you Batman stuff like always and I wouldn't wanna ruin that for you so I'll just go by myself

Izuku: I'll go with you, I don't do Batman work until Dark so I guess we can call it alone time since when can go shopping and stuff as a married couple

Melissa: Wait you would really do that for me?

Izuku: Of Course I would do anything for you just to make you happy

Melissa: Awww I love you Izuku!~

Izuku: I love you too Meli-

There was then an explosion Infront of the Batcave entrance Infront of the Batmobile, Melissa immediately handed Izuku his Mask and hid under the Batcomputer. Once Izuku had out his Mask on he looked over to see Deathstroke and a few of his guys aiming guns at him, Batman knew he was outnumbered but clenched both his fists tightly when he saw that Deathstroke's Guts had their guns aimed at both Emi's and Shota's heads since they somehow kidnapped them. Deathstroke then began to walk up the stairs as Melissa watched in horror, Deathstroke then walked back down and put a sword up to Emi's throat as Batman grew more mad.

Deathstroke: Which one should I kill first Batman?

Batman: Let them go

Deathstroke: I'm sorry what was that? Dis you say The hobo?

Batman: I said Let them go!

Deathstroke: Better watch your tone Batman because that type of tone is what will get them both killed, I'm sorry the innocent poor woman is crying. I just thought I'd bring her in crying since it would probably make you lose control of all that strength your holding back, But let's not forget that no killing rule you have that I plan on making you break in a few minutes

Batman: What do you want Slade

Deathstroke: I just want you to understand how much I just wanna see you kill someone and break that one pathetic no killing rule! You almost killed Penguin but didn't! So come down here and fight me like a man Dammit!

Batman: Let them go and I will!

Deathstroke: Fine! If I let them go you have to kill me! If you win they go free and you lose I kill them then your precious family!!!

Batman: Bring it Slade!!!

Batman immediately jumped from the edge of the platform he was standing on and immediately punched Deathstroke to the ground as he recovered and pulled out both his katana's.

Batman: I won't let you lay a hand on my family while I still breathe and fight!

Deathstroke: I'll kill them no matter what!

Batman: This ends tonight Slade!!!

Batmans and Deathstroke then clashed and started fighting each other, Deathstroke then realized Batman had immediately broken both his Katana's and unsheathed the other throwing it to a wall a behind his head.

Deathstroke: Impossible!

Batman: Night night Slade!

Batman then punched Slade causing his head to his the Katana handle then kicked Slade in the face causing his head to hit the Katana handle again but harder knocking him out, Batman then started punching Deathstroke nonstop so much that Deathstroke's helmet broke in half. After a few hours once the police had taken Deathstroke and his guys away Shota was having to be held back by Emi .

Shota: What the hell is this God damn Lab doing under my house!?!

Batman: You mean Emi's house don't you

Shota: No my house!

Batman: It's Emi's house, so shut up and get out of my cave

Shota: Make me!

Batman: No thanks your not worth my time

Shota: Exactly which is why a kid lost both his parents before and you never showed up to Save them!

Batman: Maybe because I wasn't even at the age I am now

Shota: So what!? Your a piece of shit who should have lost his parents just like that kid did!!

Batman immediately broke and walked towards Shota as Emi tried to stop Batman, Batman only kept walking.

Emi: Please don't do this! He's not worth it!

Batman: Get out of my way!

Emi: He wants you to do this!

Batman: I know because he asked for it so get out of my way!!!

Batman gently pushed Emi to the side, He then started punching Shota causing Shota to be backed up against a wall. Batman only kept punching Shota non stop as he saw Shota's nose start to bleed, Batman then picked Shota up by putt a hand on his throat and held him in the air.

Batman: You asked for this Shota Aizawa! This is Emi's house because it's in her name!!! Don't you ever bring your disgraceful name and shit into my family!!! I was that little boy who lost both his parents that day!!! I am that little boy who ended up having to live with his aunt Emi Fukukado!!! I am the little boy who grew up without his real parents! I am that boy who disappears in the middle of the night to keep this city safe unlike the useless Heroes like you!!! Emi Fukukado is an awesome Hero because she knows what to do unlike a useless Highschool Teacher like you!!! I am Izuku Midoriya!!! I am Batman!!!!

Batman immediately slammed Shota down on the ground on his back, Batman then took off his Mask to reveal his true identity. Shota's eyes went wide as he became shocked, Izuku was the Batman the whole time.

Shota: I-Izuku I-

Izuku: Save it Aizawa, I tried warning you and a few other Heroes to stay out of my way but you just wouldn't listen. I fight to keep those safe! I fight to hunt down the man who killed my family that night! This house belongs to my Aunt Emi not you! If you don't like it then get out now!!! I saved both your asses from being killed by Deathstroke yet you only care about yourself!!!

Shota: Izuku please I am sorry!

Izuku: Too late, should have kept your mouth shut about my family. Tell the other Heroes to stay out of my way or they will end up like Toshinori Yagi

Izuku then walked over to the Batcomputer picked up Melissa Bridal style and made his way upstairs to their room as Shota sat down in the cave thinking about what he had done wrong

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