Chapter 8 Ruined Dinner

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As Izuku heard the walking get closer he saw Melissa pop her head out from around the corner and walk over to him, Izuku sighed in relief and walked towards her and stopped when he was Infront of her. She only sighed and wrapped his scarf around his neck and held his hand, Izuku held her hand back and started walking back to the front of the Mansion alongside Melissa.

Melissa: Baby is everything ok?

Izuku: Yeah I'm fine

Melissa: You don't seem fine, no one saw you at Dinner

Izuku: I wasn't hungry

Melissa: You haven't eaten since December 20th, your hungry but didn't eat for some reason

Izuku: Yeah

Melissa: Let me guess your middle school bully is here with the rest of them

Izuku: Correct

Melissa: Don't let it get to you, it's not like they are staying the night too

Izuku: Wouldn't bet on it if they did

Melissa: Cheer up Baby, just a 2 more hours is how long they will be here and then you can go in and eat

Izuku: I'm not eating

Melissa: Yes you are, your gonna eat, take a shower, brush your teeth then go to bed

Izuku: Fine

Melissa: Your the best

Izuku and Melissa gave each other a quick kiss on the lips and sat on the the steps with Melissa sitting on his lap, Izuku wrapped his arms around her and held her close so she wouldn't get cold even though she was wearing a heavy jacket and a scarf. Melissa then handed Izuku his phone and he answered to here Commissioner Naomasa talking.

Naomasa: Batman are you there?

Izuku: Yeah I'm here, need something

Naomasa: No it's Christmas eve, I called to say thanks for standing up for me and I'm sorry about the pictures and badges

Izuku: It's ok I have a Present being dropped off at your house tomorrow

Naomasa: Batman you don't have to do that

Izuku: It's ok I wanted to, I know your kids will love it. Besides I'm rich so I give to charity and people to help them, I love helping out so it's the only thing that makes me happy

Melissa let out a small growl and crossed her arms, Izuku smiled a little.

Izuku: And my girlfriend too

Naomasa: Thanks for everything you did tonight Batman, you really made it a Christmas miracle for everyone. Merry Christmas Batman

Izuku: Merry Christmas Naomasa

Izuku then ended the call and gave his phone back to Melissa, he then saw Melissa looking through his stuff on his phone. Izuku sighed and watched as she went through everything over and over again.

Izuku: For the last time I'm not messaging or calling any girls except you and Emi

Melissa: What about your other Aunt?

Izuku: No way would I give her my Phone number, she'd probably try to send me nudes or something

Melissa: Understandable

Izuku: Are you still mad at me for what I did

Melissa: No I was worried, you could have gotten killed so many times tonight but you kept going no matter how much pain you were in and it worried me that I was gonna l-lose you!

Izuku saw Melissa crying and took her glasses off her and put them in his pocket, he then held her close rubbing her back. Izuku knew how much she was worried because of how bad she was crying.

Izuku: Babe it's ok calm down, I'm sorry I had you worried but I'm here now and I'm still alive

Melissa: I-I don't wanna lose you....

Izuku: Your not gonna lose me

Melissa cried into Izuku's chest for a while until she stopped and started to calm down, Izuku looked down to see that Melissa was asleep with her head on his shoulder. Izuku got up and held her, he then walked inside carrying her and was about to walk upstairs but was stopped.

Emi: Izuku is everything ok?

Izuku: Yeah Emi, I'm just laying Melissa down in bed to rest

Emi: Is she ok?! Did she get hurt?

Izuku: Yes mom she is ok, she was just worried and cried until she fell asleep

Emi: Ok but when you lay her down come back down and eat dinner

Izuku: No thanks I'm not hungry

Izuku then walked upstairs carrying Melissa, when he walked into his room he was about to lay Melissa down but she wrapped her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist not letting go.

Izuku: Babe it's ok I promise, I'm just laying down in bed to sleep

Melissa: N-No, I don't wanna sleep in these clothes

Izuku: Then what do you wanna wear to sleep

Melissa: J-Just my shirt and panties like I wear every night

Izuku then laid Melissa down as soon as he took her shoes and sweat pants off, he then covered her up with the blanket and kissed her on the head. He then laid her glasses beside her and left the room quietly and walked downstairs, when he got downstairs he saw that a few of the students had left but the only ones that remained were the ones he encountered at the crime scene. He then walked over and sat down beside Yu since he didn't wanna sit beside of the students, he only stayed quiet as he heard one of the students talking about Batman.

Ochaco: Me, Bakugo, Iida and Todoroki encountered Batman at a crime scene. Only problem is that he attacked Bakugo for no reason, if you ask me he's just destroying the city so he should just hang up the cape

Izuku: I think he's actually helping the city more than All Might is, it you lay attention to the charts Batman has solved and stopped cases and criminals 95%. All Might has only done 20% separately so if anything Batman deserves to be the number 1 Hero, Not All Might

Ochaco: But Batman has killed people, not to mention he's a Vigilante

Izuku: Batman doesn't kill, if you pay attention you can see that he never kills the villains at all. But a Vigilante can still become the Number 1 Hero no matter what

Ochaco: You sure know Alot about Batman, wait don't tell me your his son. Wait your his sidekick who lost his parents too

Izuku immediately slapped Ochaco causing a loud smack to be heard, the room fell silent as they saw Izuku standing up. Ochaco immediately grabbed her coat and left, Izuku just went upstairs without saying a word and laid down beside Melissa. He wraooed his arms around Melissa holding her close and fell asleep.

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