Chapter 16 Icing Problem

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After a few hours Emma woke up and looked beside her to see that her little brother Tim was asleep, just got up quietly and walked out of the room wearing her clothes the same way Jasmine did last night when she slept beside her. She then made her way over to the bookshelf pulling down on a book like a lever causing it to open a secret passage, she then got onto the lift as the bookshelf moved back and the lift started descending. When she got off she Jasmine working on The Knight not even bothering to look back at her once, when Emma walked closer she heard Jasmine sigh.

Jasmine: What is now

Emma: I just came to say I'm sorry

Jasmine: Mhm, it's ok

Emma: And to talk

Jasmine: About what

Emma: About how you need to accept the fact that even though we are dating that you need to learn that Tim is the only brother I got so he has to sleep with us until he can sleep on his own

Jasmine: And I'll just stay up or sleep on the couch

Emma: See that's the problem right there

Jasmine: Don't see how it's a problem, to me it's great

Emma: Bullshit! You hate Tim!

Jasmine: Incorrect

Emma: You hate Tim because your afraid he's gonna steal all my love sot at there's nothing for you left!

Jasmine: Once again incorrect

Emma: Stop acting like your so big and tough and listen to me when I'm talking to you!

Jasmine: I've been listening I just don't care about what you say about your brother

Emma: Your seriously that pissed off!

Jasmine: I'm actually calm right now, your the one who is pissed off Princess

Emma: I'm not a damn Princess!

Jasmine: You sure about that? Your sure the hell acting like one, a spoiled one at that

Emma: I'm not a Princess and I'm not spoiled, your just an asshole who wants nothing to do with me just because I have to take care of my brother!

Jasmine: I can't be around kids

Emma: His come!?

Jasmine: just a certain reason

Emma: And what is that Reason!? You raped kids before!?

Jasmine immediately put the tool she was holding down and immediately stood up and faced Emma, she then walked over to Emma and stopped Infront of her.

Jasmine: I'm not a god damn rapist! I killed 4 babies and 3 kids back when I didn't know who I was! That's why I can't be around Tim is because I don't wanna risk it happening again and then me Killing him!!!

Emma: Jasmine.....I-I'm so sor-

Jasmine: Just fucking save it Emma! I'm just a child rapist and killer to you aren't I!? Of course that's what you see me as even though I never raped kids or anyone!

Emma: Jasmine I never meant it.....

Jasmine: You seemed to have meant it because not only did I almost Lose my father but I get called a Rapist by you even though I got your brother back for you! And that's the Thanks I got!!!

Emma: Jasmine please calm down......

Jasmine: How!? I'm crying right now because I almost lost my only father and you called me a rapist after I just risked going to jail just to get your brother!!!

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