Chapter 17 End of the line

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We can see Batman driving in the Knight towards Nora's location, he watched as the Bio chambers freezing stopped and it began to thaw meaning Nora was gonna wake up from a deep sleep she had been in for several years. When he got there he immediately got out of the Knight and took out all of the 10 armed gun mean guarding the Bio chamber, Batman then walked over to the Bio chamber Nora was in and watched as the Bio chamber stopped and Nora wake up. Batman immediately opened it and helped her out, he then sat her down gently against a pillar.

Batman: It's ok, take it easy

Nora: Batman what are you doing here?

Batman: I came to take you back to Victor, he's out of his mind

Batman then looked at his gauntlet to see that he was getting an incoming face call and answered it, the projectile screen then showed Victors face as he was trying to restore the power to the engine to get the other Bio chamber working.

Victor: Batman did you find Nora!?

Batman: Yes she's right here

Nora: Please let me talk to him....

Batman then walked over to the computer and projected the face call onto the computer while cancelling the one on his gauntlet, Nora saw what Victor had become and put her hand on the screen.

Nora: Victor?...

Victor: Nora! Quickly get back here so I can put you into the Bio chamber and refreeze you!

Nora: Victor please I don't wanna go back in there....

Victor: You have to! It's the only way I can save you!

Nora: How's that saving me!? If you want to save me then let me live a normal life with you....

Victor: Nor-

Victor was cut short of his sentence because Batman and Nora looked over to where the ship was and saw an explosion, Batman immediately walked up to the computer.

Batman: Victor what's going on!?

Victor: It's the Miltia they have found me, hurry Batman and bring Nora to me!

The call then disconnected due to the service, Batman immediately gently put Nora in the back where it was safe and immediately drove off towards the ship. He then used the full boost and then saw the Miltia at the bottom of the ship guarding as soon as he made the juno from the ice stunt, he immediately set the Knight to Battle mode and immediately started using the Canons to take out the Miltia but was immediately getting out Numbered each time.

Batman: Victor there's not much time do it now!

Victor: No! I need it for Nora!

Batman: Don't you understand!? This isn't what Nora wants! Do it now before it's too late!

Victor: Goodbye...

Nora: Victor!!!

Batman keep taking out each Miltia drone that came in, he then watched as Victor detonated the Energy and wiped out the drones. Batman then got out and grappled up to the ship where Victor was while gently helping Nora over to him, when they got over to Victor he seem sad.

Nora: Victor?...

Victor: I'm sorry Nora....

Nora: Victor you did the right thing...

Victor: All those experiments gone to waste and now your gonna die...

Nora: I won't die victor, as long as you let me breathe and walk I will live....

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