Chapter 6 Batman vs Bane

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Batman and Bane were staring at each other, they both then ran towards each other. Bane tired throwing a punch but Batman countered it and punched Bane in the face and in the stomach, Bane then tried again but ended up on the ground. Batman then punched him non stop as Bane smiled, Bane felt the pain but didn't care because he had a truck up his sleeve. Batman then put his hands around Banes neck and started choking him, Batman was filled with so much anger he was gonna make Bane pay for what he did.

Bane: W-What the hell! I-I thought you didn't kill!

Batman: I don't but you deserve death! You almost killed My aunt then Melissa!!! So it's only fair you experience what My aunt did!

Bane: P-Please spare me!!!

Batman: Too late! You should have stayed away from them! But since you didn't I'm cutting your life short so I hope what all you did was worth it!

Batman kept choking Bane but didn't stop, Bane felt his heart slowing down but couldn't do anything. Batman then got a flashback to when his mother and father were saying their last words for they died.


Young Izuku: Mom and Dad!!! Please don't leave me!!!

Inko: Don't worry Izuku, we've had a good run and it's about time we say our last words.....

Thomas: Son, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me and your mother. Without you I don't think life would be so happy, which is why I want you to make a promise to us no matter what happens...

Young Izuku: N-No! Don't say that your gonna make it!

Thomas: Promise me that you won't kill even if you do become a Hero and that you will stop yourself from killing...

Inko: Promise me that no matter what you won't let our deaths get to you and that you will keep going...

Young Izuku: I-I promise Mom and Dad.....

Thomas: That's our boy, one day you'll become the best Hero and I know it. Because since you were a baby I gave you the name Dark Knight and Vengance because you would always run around wearing a cap and a Mask pretending to be a bat.....

Inko: No matter what Izuku don't give up on your dreams because I know you can achieve them no matter how difficult they may be, you've always been a fighter so don't lose that spirit.....

Young Izuku: B-But I'm Quirkless, I can't be a Hero without a Quirk....

Thomas: Nonsense son, Quirk or no Quirk. You can become a Hero and one day when a Quirkless kid feels down they will see you fighting on TV and it will be their inspiration because you are fighting Quirkless and showing them Heroes don't need a Quirk to fight or win.....

Young Izuku: G-Good bye mom and dad, I-I am sorry I didn't stop him.....

Inko: You were scared so there was nothing you could do anyways, but just remember we love you so much Izuku and don't Forget that because one day I know you'll become a Hero and make us proud.....

Young Izuku: I-I won't have a home, I'll be homeless and you guys will be disappointed in me....

Inko: No you won't and we won't be disappointed because you will be living with your Aunt Emi.....

Thomas: Izuku for my last words, I'm glad I was able to have you as my son for this long. When you grow up to be 21 there's a few letters around the Mansion hidden for you that leads to a surprise, It may not be much but I hope you love it juatnlike we love you son......

Young Izuku watched as His mom and dad were laying on the ground lifeless, back to the present time we see that Batman was trying not to cry but stopped punching Bane and dragged him to the edge of the roof. He then made sure Bane head was off the roof and looked at him.

Bane: W-Why didn't you kill me?!?!

Batman: I made a Promise

Bane: I made a promise once, but I broke it and my mom's trust

Batman: What was your Promise

Bane: I promised my mom right after my dad died and she was on her death bed that no matter what I wouldn't resort to becoming a Villain, and I broke that promise because I was so hurt! I wish I could have gotten to say my goodbyes!

Batman: I know how you feel but I'll spare your life on one condition

Bane: What is it?!

Batman: Where's Black Mask

Bane: I-I am not telling you!

Batman: Tell me or I will break my promise in order to get the information out of you!!

Bane: Ok ok! Black Mask is at Sionis Industries in his office! He won't be there for long because he's heading to rob the Merchant Bank and then leaving the city!

Batman: Dammit! How long until he leaves his office

Bane: In 3 hours! But you won't make it

Batman: We'll see about that

Batman then tied Bane up and watched as the police took him away but didn't stay because he got into the Batwing immediately and blasted off to Sionis Industries. He then jumped out of the Batwing and through Black Masks office window immediately slamming Black Mask head on the office desk and holding his head down.

Black Mask: How did you find me?!

Batman: That's not important, what's important is that I stopped you and next is The Joker and Quinn

Black Mask: You'll never find them! They already left the city and won't be back until  a few weeks!

Batman: Dammit! Where's the other assassin's?!

Black Mask: I'm not telling you anything Batman!

Batman: Tell me or I will put you in a full damn body cast while you sip your meals through a straw!!!

Black Mask: There's only one left! More so two!

Batman: Where are they!

Black Mask: I told you they left the city and won't be back until a few weeks!

Batman: Why did you give a bounty for my head to Joker and Harley

Black Mask: He's the first one I gave the bounty to then he got the word out that the bounty was worth 50,000,000 dollars if you were brought in dead or alive!

Batman then slammed Black Masks head on the table again but knocking him out, Batman watched as the police ran in and tied him up. Batman then pressed the earpiece in his ear and started talking through it to Emi.

Batman: I'm on my way back to the Cave

Emi: What about The Joker and Harley?

Batman: They left the city and won't be back for a while

Emi: Dammit, well at least you can rest. Head back to the cave so I can warm you up some coffee or Hot Chocolate

Batman: Is Melissa still mad at me

Emi: Kinda but not really, she's more worried about you than she is mad at you. Just hurry home so you won't catch a cold

Batman then grappled up to the Batwing and got in it and flew home at medium speed, he kept getting flashbacks to his parents death. He didn't really like celebrating Christmas eve because it was that night he lost his parents, the flashback kept playing in his head as he gritted his teeth.

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