Chapter 46 Ginseng

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  Chapter 46 Ginseng

   "Thank you Sister Qingqing, then I'll go first, see you Sister Qingqing."

  Farewell to Li Qingqing, Song Xi walked quickly towards Zhou Yi, and then the two went to the hospital together.

  Zhou Yi made an agreement with Song Xi last night that he will come to the commune today to give her a physical reexamination, after all, he suffered such a big crime before.

   After Song Xi left, Li Qingqing planned to put the cloth bag under the counter and take it home after get off work.

   As a result, she didn't lift one hand because it was too heavy.

  Curiously, she opened the cloth bag a little, and smelled the aroma of bacon.

  Li Qingqing swallowed subconsciously.

   No wonder Song Xi asked her to go home and open it again. What if it was opened outside and someone robbed it?

  The person who is hungry to the limit can do everything.

  Li Qingqing waited until noon to get off work for lunch, and hurried home with a cloth bag on her shoulders.

  Go home and check the contents of the cloth bag with your family.

   There are about ten catties of dried mushrooms, two pieces of bacon weighing one catty, and one cured duck weighing six to seven catties.

   She didn't know how Song Xi could lift such a heavy thing.

  Thinking of Song Xi's frail body carrying such a heavy load for her, Li Qingqing's heart felt warm.

   None of the little sisters around her can do this!

  Song Xi, who can now lift fifty catties, said that twenty catties is nothing more than a piece of cake!

   Smelling the smell of bacon and duck, Li's mother was about to drool, but her rationality was still there, "Qingqing, where did you get these things? You weren't outside..."

   "Mom!" Li Qingqing looked at Li's mother helplessly, "This is a gift from my new friend. She is a very good girl, not the messy thing you think."

   "Okay, okay, okay, I see, if people treat you so well, then you will treat them better in the future. After all, you have grown up so much, and you have never met a friend who is so true to you."

  Mother Li is very happy that her daughter can make sincere and good friends.

  The girls around here who are about the same age as Li Qingqing are comparing each other all day long. They don't even like her, and Li Qingqing doesn't like it even more.

   After finishing the examination, Song Xi couldn't help jumping up when he heard the doctor say that unless he felt unwell, he didn't need to come to the hospital for an examination.

  She has finally regained her health, and she will be free from now on, and she can go wherever she wants.

  But when she thought that she was going to work when she recovered, her joy disappeared immediately, and her whole body was shrouded in dark clouds.

  She has money, tickets, and a big supermarket. Does she still need to work hard to earn work points?

  Jobs in this era are based on a succession system, and few people are willing to sell their jobs.

   Besides, the original owner, Xiao'Song Xi', is just a child who graduated from junior high school, not registered in the city, and has not studied much, so he can't find a job at all.

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