Chapter 1 wake up

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   Chapter 1 wake up

  In August, the sun is scorching like fire, and the earth is like a steamer, making people breathless.

  The leaves on the mountain were sun-drenched and drooped their heads listlessly.

  The grass on the edge of the field was also wilted by the sun, like an eggplant beaten by frost.

  Cicada sang a symphony that she thought was beautiful on the branch tirelessly.

   But it made everyone feel extremely bored.

  In the muddy water with hot feet, the villagers in tatters are working in full swing.

  Some people picked rice seedlings, some people planted rice seedlings, the sweat on the forehead fell drop by drop, merging with the mud and water.

  A female comrade who was transplanting rice seedlings in the field raised her hand and wiped her eyes covered with sweat.

  He raised his head and looked in the direction of the village, with a hint of worry in his eyes.

   "Sister Li, Zhou Yi's wife is back, right? What did the doctor say, is she in good health?"

  A female comrade next to her opened her mouth out of curiosity. She had no other intentions, just pure curiosity.

   "What does it have to do with you? You know how to inquire about other people's affairs. Anyway, your son can't marry such an educated person, so go envy and be jealous!" Aunt Li gave her a displeased look.

  You know how to worry about other people's affairs all day long, but do you understand your own affairs?

   "I'm just asking, what can't I say? I didn't say anything bad about him."

  The female comrade next to her couldn't help complaining.

  She heard that Zhou Yi's daughter-in-law was seriously injured, and the old doctors in the village said it was too late, and they could prepare for the funeral.

  That Zhou Yi borrowed money everywhere and sent him to the commune hospital.

   I brought it back later, and I don’t know if it can be saved.

  Aunt Li raised her head and looked in the direction of the village again. She was also very worried.

   Zhou Yi's daughter-in-law hasn't woken up since she was seriously injured, and even the old doctor said she couldn't do it.

   I don’t know if the doctors at the commune hospital are capable of rescuing people.

  She has never met Zhou Yi's daughter-in-law, and she doesn't know what kind of girl she is.

   But Zhou Yi spent so much money to marry her, and she didn't want anything to happen to that girl.


  Song Xi endured the pain on the back of his head and the bitter taste in his mouth, and slowly opened his eyes uncomfortably.

  Suddenly, a sharp pain came, and a memory that did not belong to her instantly appeared in her mind.

  The short life of a little girl named 'Song Xi' flashed through her mind like a movie clip.

  The little girl named 'Song Xi' is the unfavored youngest daughter of the Song family.

   Living at home is very hard. Washing, cooking, and farming are even harder than an old scalper.

  As soon as she was old, she was 'married' to a distant mountain by the grandmother of the Song family.

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