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WARNINGS: marijuana use

The weekend had arrived, allowing Luma to do whatever they wanted. They were overjoyed when they received a text from their secret lover asking if they wanted to stay the night and get high.

"Mom, I'm staying the night at Kunikuzushi's tonight," they stated, standing in front of their mom's room. It wasn't a question, but a statement. They weren't going to let their mom decline and tell them to stay home.

Hayami was a bit taken aback by their statement. Usually, Luma asked most of the time before going to friends' houses but this time, they decided for themselves.

She was about to decline before she realized, Luma was 18, an adult, someone who could make their own choices and decisions. They weren't her "little girl" anymore.

"Okay, sweetheart. Have fun," Hayami responded, smiling. A smile crept onto Luma's face as they rushed back to their room. They were shocked it actually worked, assuming their mom would yell at them for demanding such an outrageous thing.

They replied to Kunikuzushi that they could spend the night.

On Kunikuzushi's end, a wave of excitement flooded through his body. He didn't exactly know this feeling, or whether he liked it or not. But, he already invited Luma over and didn't want to take back his invitation.

Unlike Luma, he didn't bother to tell his mom, knowing she wouldn't care either way. Or as a way to just hurt him, tell him that they couldn't come over. So, he figured it was best to not tell her until Luma actually arrived.

It wasn't like she could send Luma home when they were already there.

Kunikuzushi clicked on the messages he had with Xiao.

Direct Messages

hey are u alright with coming on the stream again?
the fans took a vote of who i should play co-op with and u won

sure ig
what time?

half an hour


He shut off his phone, tossing it beside him. He had half an hour to kill before he had to hop on the Discord call and Call of Duty. What would he do though?

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