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Today was the day Kunikuzushi and Luma needed to pick up their new kitten. Luma drove to his house on Saturday morning with excitement coursing through their veins.

Not only were they excited about the kitten, but the fact that they adopted it with Kunikuzushi. It was almost like their kid now. Or the closest thing one could get to having a kid with Luma. They had no intentions of starting a family or even getting married, considering their parent's marriage and the impact it left on them.

When Luma arrived at his house, Kunikuzushi was still asleep. They were certainly shocked to see a stunning pink-haired woman answer the door. She gave Luma a kind smile upon realizing it was them.

"You must be Miss Luma," she said, her smooth voice sending chills down their spine. "Yes, but you can call me Luma," they said, bashfully, trying to hide the blush on their cheeks.

"You must be here for Kunikuzushi?" Miko presumed. Luma nodded in response, smiling at the thought of him. "Come in," she said, moving to the side to allow Luma in the home.

"I'm Miko. You can consider me as...another one of Kunikuzushi's guardian's," she explained, introducing herself. Luma nodded and took a seat on the couch.

Miko took a seat beside Luma, beginning a conversation with them. As the conversation progressed, Ei entered the living room, wanting to see what she was hearing from upstairs in her room.

"Luma, so good to see you again!" Ei said, smiling at them. "You too," Luma said briefly, being reminded of what Kunikuzushi has told them about her. They knew the feeling of not being cared for, and they couldn't forgive her for that - for hurting someone they love.

"Are you here for Kunikuzushi? He's up in his room, still sleeping," she explained. "Oh, I see," Luma said, staring ahead of them. "If you're in a rush, you can go wake him up," Ei added.

"I'd hate to do that, but I am in a rush," Luma explained, standing up with a disappointed expression. "It was nice talking to you, Miss Miko," they added, smiling at the pink-haired woman.

"Oh please, dear. Just call me Miko. And it was nice talking to you as well," she said. Luma nodded, beginning to head upstairs.

"They're sweet," Miko said, once Luma was gone. "They certainly are." "It's great to see Kunikuzushi's making friends," Miko added, watching Ei's reaction closely. "Yes, it is," she responded, dismissively, heading into the kitchen.

Miko sighed, realizing this might've been the reason behind Luma's off response to her. She could sense the tense aura around Luma as they interacted with Ei. So, she figured Kunikuzushi must've told them something.

"Kuni?" Luma announced, knocking on his door a few times. When they got no response, they slowly opened it. Entering his room, they saw him, still in bed and sleeping.

𝖳𝖤𝖷𝖳 𝖬𝖤 𝖡𝖠𝖢𝖪! ☆ 𝘴𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘢𝘮𝘰𝘶𝘤𝘩𝘦 [✓]Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu