Part 3

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As the Omega overcomes the initial shock, his face morphs into a frown, and then he glares at the said box. He just doesn't understand this alpha anymore. What does he even want? Taehyung's parents, Namjoon, Jin, Yoongi, and even Jimin, were now just staring at the omega, who didn't even blink after seeing the proposal. Then they see Taehyung breaking out of some sort of trance and starting to speak something. But his father beats him to it.

"Before you reject this in one minute, I need you to hear me out," he says, his voice stern for the first time in a while. Beta Kim always had a soft spot for the younger Kim and always agreed to his every whim, but Taehyung knew whatever was going to come out of his father's mouth, he was not going to like it.

"Kim Taehyung I very well know you're going to reject this, but I really need you to take your time and think about this," he begins, keeping his eyes directly on his son. "Till now, I have never said a single word when you rejected multiple proposals from so many good alphas. We never forced you to do anything, but you have to consider a lot of things, son. He's the son of the head alpha and one of the kindest men I have had the chance to work with. You know the years-long companionship of ours, and I won't let anything come in between. And Jungkook, I've known that kid since he was a few days old; he's smart, kind, and worthy of being your mate son. He's the only one in the pack who's well educated, and you know that he's also taking part in being the next head alpha, so you're also rejecting your chance to be the Luna, the mother of this pack. Being the luna of a pack is nearly sacred for us. I don't have to teach you about that now, do I? So please, my son, I beg you, do not reject this like you have for the past five years because, to be honest, even we're tired of looking for a potential mate for you. And I would never allow my son to be unmated for the rest of his life; that's final. So take your time, think this through, and give me your answer," his father finishes, now looking away from him.

"So basically, I have to accept this no matter what, right, father?" Taehyung asks bitterly, eyes glazing.

" Tae.." his mother tries to intervene, but the omega turns around before leaving the house.

"Mother, don't worry, I've got this," Namjoon reassures her before following Taehyung along with Jimin.

Taehyung wipes his tears harshly, staring ahead at the stream. He feels a shuffle on either side and sees Jimin and Namjoon sitting on either side. The three of them stayed in pin-drop silence for a good few minutes, and then Namjoon broke the silence.

"Tae, don't take it to your heart; father is just worried about you; he has been for a while, you know; he is worried that if it goes like this, you'll be alone throughout your life."

The omega sighs, defeated. "I know Hyung; I am not mad at father. I know he worries a lot about me. I am mad at him. I just..I don't get it. One day he leaves me without saying a word, one day he returns and pretends that we were not close, and now he's suddenly sending a courting proposal? He's confusing me, and I hate that this is affecting me so much. That he has this power over me to just go away when he likes and come back, and I just have to be with him again. It's unfair."

"But what if he is doing this to make everything right?" Namjoon asks softly.

"I doubt it, Hyung, because he's changed so much. He's not the alpha we used to know, and what if he's doing this just for the sake of being the head alpha? Marrying an omega from the Kim Clan surely boosts his chances. Because if he had the intention of getting back with me, why was he behaving so indifferently? and now suddenly he's courting me? All these rather seem sceptical."

"Tae has a point, Hyung, because if he had the intention of marrying him, why didn't he say it till now? and why would he ignore him?' Jimin adds in the omega's favor.

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