Bonus Chapter

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Becky's POV

Freen knocked on the door while I was taking a shower.

"Bb, are you almost done?"

"Yes babe, in a minute."

"The pharmacy called and said they might only be open 'til noon today. I'll need to go ahead and grab your IVF prescriptions, okay?"

Yep, that's right. After my doctor assured me that it was safe for me to carry a baby, Freen and I decided to go ahead with my IVF treatment using Freen's eggs. We've already had one unsuccessful round but we kept positive and gave it another try more than 2 weeks ago.

"What about Finn?"

"He's in his playpen watching Cocomelon and I closed the latch on the gate so I'm sure he'll be fine. Scott and Chiyo are with him too."

Scott and Chiyo are our husky and golden retriever dogs.

"Alright. I'm almost done anyway. Take care, babe."

I got so focused on washing off all the soap quickly so I can check on our son that I didn't even notice he wasn't singing along to the Cocomelon songs anymore.

He never- and I do mean NEVER- misses a chance to sing along to all these songs even if it's for the thousandth time.

I turned off the shower and listened closely but all I could really hear was the TV. Without a little voice singing his heart out. No barking from the dogs either so it means he's not playing with them.

When you have a 3 1/2 year old child, silence is very very concerning. Silence means trouble. Silence means he's either escaped his playpen and is repainting your walls with his colored pencils and sharpies or he might be lying on the floor with his head cracked open.

Being a parent is basically having multiple mini heart attacks per day while your tiny human explores the world head on without any sense of danger. I once caught him trying to stick the housekeys into an electrical outlet.

We never figured out how he managed to pry the baby proofing cover open.

Paranoia got the best of me and I jumped out of the shower, hurriedly dressed and sprinted like an Olympian toward the living room.

He had indeed escaped his playpen and was now sitting on the floor next to the drawers. His back was to me but I could tell he was silently sobbing.

Our two dogs were lying on either side of him- heads resting on their paws, their ears drawn down looking forlorn. They love him to bits and we've noticed that when our little boy is upset, our dogs also acclimate to his mood. I only wish Bonbon was still with us.

"Baby, what's wrong?"

"You didn't invite me."

"What do you mean, darling?"

"You're mean mummy. You didn't invite me! You're a big meanie!!!"

Still not sure what he was going on about, I walked over to him, sat on the floor and started rubbing his back.

Now I could see what he was looking at.

"" he said pointing at the photos. Big fat tears now streaming down his angelic face. "This was your wedding, wasn't it?"

The Space In BetweenDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora