Chapter 11

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Becky's POV

We would go on to win a a lot of awards for our performance in GAP the series.

The catchphrase 'We did it, baby!' swept our entire fandom like wildfire.

We've been asked on a lot of interviews why our on-screen chemistry is so genuine. I've had to bite back my tongue to keep myself from spilling the beans.

It seems so real because it is REAL. I would think in my head before some generic and evasive answer comes cascading out of my mouth.

We had so many fans not just in Thailand but all over the world that it was easy to think everybody loved us.

Until life proved me wrong in the worst possible way.

It was supposed to be a relaxing vacation for both of us until that homophobic sack of shit had to ruin it at the last minute.

Well, you can't please everyone. I'm just worried that the incident might cause a relapse in Freen's mental health. She's been making such good progress.

I barely slept last night. Refreshing my social media pages over and over again to look for any indication that the lady made good on her threat to expose us.  

Is it really so wrong that I am in love with a girl? How can people be so cruel towards a certain gender identity? We did not commit acts of unspeakable violence. We simply fell in love.

Is that such a bad thing? How can something as beautiful as love be branded by some as profoundly despicable?

My heart ached just thinking about our fans who probably experienced all other kinds of discrimination. When I become a lawyer, I'll do my best to fight for our equal rights. 

I'm glad that Freen's mood seems to have improved this morning. Looks like we'll be seeing each other later after all.

When I was done with work, I called my driver to pick me up instead of calling Freen.

I wanted to surprise her to make up for the other day's fiasco.

While waiting for the driver, I checked the web again but it was just the usual fan edits that always makes me smile. 'You don't have her like I do' I heard Freen's voice saying on one of the videos. My heart did a high leap. Look at this video, look at it and tell me that our love isn't beautiful.

We had just started moving forward on the green light when a mindless jackass ran a red light to right side. Driving with reckless abandon and side sweeping several cars before careening to the left and hitting the front passenger side of our vehicle.

Our car spun uncontrollably before hitting a gutter. My life flashed before my eyes. Everything seems to be going in slow motion and fast forward at the same time.

Good thing I had my seatbelt on. Though I think I bounced up my seat and hit my head on the ceiling at some point.

"Ma''am are you okay?" my driver asked worriedly.

The smell of burning tire was wafting up my nose.

"I...I think so. You?"

"I'm not leg."

I peeked around and almost fainted at the horrific sight.

His leg was crushed under the dashboard and I could see bones protruding...and the blood...oh my god so much blood.

"Don't move! I'll get you some help, okay. Just stay there."

I ran outside not even caring if my hair was in disarray. First responders were already starting to disembark from the ambulance.

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